πŸ”₯ step-by-step: "Up and running with blogdown" by @Apresmanes https://t.co/t0EhOsuBAG via @rbindio #rstats #blogdown https://t.co/JXiUUrnrgb



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 216): πŸ”₯ step-by-step: “Up and running with blogdown” by @Apresmanes https://t.co/t0EhOsuBAG via @rbindio #rstats #blogdown https://t.co/JXiUUrnrgb

Austin Wehrwein (@awhstin; 20): Spent most of the weekend (~16 hrs) playing w/ blogdown & found 3 new πŸ“¦’s that I need to explore, I can’t keep up with the #rstats community


Stuart Lee (@_StuartLee; 52): Is there a #bookdown thesis template for Melbourne Uni? Similar to the one @robjhyndman has made https://t.co/5rDVWIsX7m? #rstats


3nrique0 (@3nrique0; 0/0): @nlavielle I hope so. Else i saw some sites talking about knitr, if it may be of any help 😊

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @suman12029 What is the problem with knitr? :)