@thosjleeper @JennyBryan @thomasp85 @sjackman @STAT545 Makes total sense! After tinkering with make, I have a much… https://t.co/oeSzocPomH



Ella Kaye (@ellamkaye; 30): I have a website! https://t.co/D1PCgHvsJQ. Thanks @xieyihui @apreshill @georgecushen for making it possible. #rstats #blogdown #hugo #rbind

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @RossTrendlock No plans for new packages yet. I’m trying hard to finish the blogdown book, which has been delayed for too long.

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @RossTrendlock It depends on the Hugo theme you use, e.g., the default theme in blogdown lists all posts on homepag… https://t.co/EEb9iz6AGF


Morgan Brand (@Morgs_John; 20): Getting ready for the Rworkshop with @wiederweiter at #WorldAqua17. Presentation in #ioslides with a #bookdown guid… https://t.co/f2SGYva2f4

Karsten D. Wolf (@kadewe; 0/0): YES - you can integrate @Zotero in your bookdown / @rstudio workflow – #savedMyDay https://t.co/1Y83PrhUlB – great… https://t.co/ESBUUMzSuK

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @Magdalen_A_T @BarkleyBG @o_guest @hadleywickham I can certainly consider your feature requests if bookdown’s Markd… https://t.co/rAb85wx7MJ


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 50): @thosjleeper @JennyBryan @thomasp85 @sjackman @STAT545 Makes total sense! After tinkering with make, I have a much… https://t.co/oeSzocPomH

Thomas Leeper (@thosjleeper; 41): @JennyBryan @thomasp85 @dataandme @sjackman @STAT545 Exactly! Makefile, knitr, bash script are all inequivalent but… https://t.co/BuWl8nONXF

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 30): @thosjleeper @JennyBryan @thomasp85 @sjackman @STAT545 @xieyihui Knitr caching is on my list of things to better un… https://t.co/bwCLG235in

Shaun Jackman (@sjackman; 20): @thosjleeper @dataandme @JennyBryan @thomasp85 @STAT545 @xieyihui Agreed! I want to learn more about knitr caching.… https://t.co/VDFn1gckno

Thomas Leeper (@thosjleeper; 20): @dataandme @JennyBryan @thomasp85 @sjackman @STAT545 @xieyihui Indeed. knitr with caching is actually more sophisti… https://t.co/DSJYP8rq3r

A. Christoffersen (@andreas_io; 10): If only knitr::kable could remove repetetive col. names… (I need to build a cust. Lib) https://t.co/BUY2Y0tZDi

Daily Tech Issues (@AdamSmitht1; 0/0): #Knitr: Show source code in inline code chunks #Tech #News #HowTo https://t.co/wjgPIXwEAt