@robinson_es @sharlagelfand @hadleywickham @chendaniely Some examples here https://t.co/fC8PiaCkG5 and lots more la… https://t.co/ckb7G9gJTo



Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 11): @graemeleehickey @statsepi @rstudio @jstatsoft It could, as I said in the announcement of bookdown last year: https://t.co/L1piwiuQ3U

Graeme Hickey (@graemeleehickey; 0/0): @statsepi Could look at bookdown pkg or at one of the @rstudio journal templates, e.g. @jstatsoft - writing remains bulk for them


boB Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 70): @robinson_es @sharlagelfand @hadleywickham @chendaniely Some examples here https://t.co/fC8PiaCkG5 and lots more la… https://t.co/ckb7G9gJTo

Raniere Silva (@rgaiacs; 51): “Using Docker and Knitr” by David Mawdsley et. al. #c4rr cc @OfficialUoM @r_solymosi https://t.co/b9VKEZFD9K

Fishgal (@fishgal42; 30): Guys, I’ve got 8 hours of research into this one and I still can’t figure it out: https://t.co/0bGFJEv1sT #rstats #knitr #miktex

Stephen Eglen (@StephenEglen; 22): Next up: @DaveMawdsley discussing knitr and #Rstats with docker #C4RR

Starting with ack. to Knuth for literate programming

Darren L Dahly (@statsepi; 10): Any good workflows using knitr, but where writing is still the bulk of the work? I don’t know how to ask this question.

Stephen Eglen (@StephenEglen; 0/0): @DaveMawdsley (David’s slides are written in knitr I think.)


Bhaskar Karambelkar (@bhaskar_vk; 30): After making #presentations w/ @xieyihui’s #xaringan, you get headaches even thinking about replicating it in PPT. https://t.co/pb8MvAgxNe

Leonard Kiefer (@lenkiefer; 10): @bhaskar_vk @xieyihui Well, you can always take screenshots from xaringan & paste them into PPT.

Alexander Junge (@JungeAlexander; 0/0): Definitely worth trying out the yolo mode when making slides using xaringan https://t.co/FTsXjNdR2X


boB Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 70): @robinson_es @sharlagelfand @hadleywickham @chendaniely Some examples here https://t.co/fC8PiaCkG5 and lots more la… https://t.co/ckb7G9gJTo

Bhaskar Karambelkar (@bhaskar_vk; 30): After making #presentations w/ @xieyihui’s #xaringan, you get headaches even thinking about replicating it in PPT. https://t.co/pb8MvAgxNe