I moved my blog over to https://t.co/Do5peuGJZM - switched to using the blogdown R package and Hugo, hosting on @Netlify #rstats



Matt Craddock (@Matt_Craddock; 51): I moved my blog over to https://t.co/Do5peuGJZM - switched to using the blogdown R package and Hugo, hosting on @Netlify #rstats

R Computing (@Rcomputing; 21): If your are a markdown or rmarkdown or bookdown or blogdown user, mindr can convert your .md or .Rmd files into mi…… https://t.co/65Xk7Ey9nL

Matt Craddock (@Matt_Craddock; 10): @tsawallis @Netlify I just followed the instructions here, it’s really easy! https://t.co/HnVa3jFvwU

imHuman (@rsalecha; 0/0): rstudio/gitdown is a new repository by rstudio. blogdown extension for package websites via GitHub https://t.co/UOq3nqtzHC


R Computing (@Rcomputing; 21): If your are a markdown or rmarkdown or bookdown or blogdown user, mindr can convert your .md or .Rmd files into mi…… https://t.co/65Xk7Ey9nL

Matt Craddock (@Matt_Craddock; 10): @tsawallis @Netlify I just followed the instructions here, it’s really easy! https://t.co/HnVa3jFvwU


Tirthankar (@Tirthankar14; 0/0): Why do R notebooks use the file directory as the working directory in @rstudio? knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = find_rstudio_root_file()).