🏆 @xieyihui's knitr wins for most 📦s that depend on it with 2161! #useR2017



Duc Quang Nguyen (@duc_qn; 43): Personal home page remake w/ awesome #rstats #blogdown. Many #migration #ddj stories but no blog post yet… https://t.co/ZC9W5e00TG

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 30): @juliasilge That’s what I’ve been doing for years. I hate the .DS_Store and Thumbs.db junk so much that I mentioned… https://t.co/kVmBPhl3hH

Aedin Culhane (@AedinCulhane; 10): So excited to use blogdown to create a Websites with just a few lines of R. #rstats @Bioconductor https://t.co/sBp1M8jzP8


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 30): @juliasilge That’s what I’ve been doing for years. I hate the .DS_Store and Thumbs.db junk so much that I mentioned… https://t.co/kVmBPhl3hH

Aedin Culhane (@AedinCulhane; 10): So excited to use blogdown to create a Websites with just a few lines of R. #rstats @Bioconductor https://t.co/sBp1M8jzP8

Jenine K Harris (@jenineharris; 0/0): @HelenSSalmon Yes! Also, the bookdown package will be very useful!


Lucy 🌻 (@LucyStats; 224): 🏆 @xieyihui’s knitr wins for most 📦s that depend on it with 2161! #useR2017

Romain François (@romain_francois; 52): #knitr (followed by #testthat) has the most 📦 recursive dependencies. #useR2017 https://t.co/EUQBewANI0

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 50): @romain_francois @LucyStats @rstudio I’m happy to see that number, except when I have to run reverse dep check for… https://t.co/1G9twnYxPn

Michael Höhle (@m_hoehle; 20): @pjs_228 @ma_salmon Thanks. Slides are (old school) knitr + latexbeamer + Asimov font / all credit to @kwbroman https://t.co/6qHMjRDI9R


Patrick Schratz (@pjs_228; 10): @m_hoehle @ma_salmon Nice layout! Did you use xaringan for the presentation?

Carlos Roberto (@carlosr82563422; 0/0): Xaringan: https://t.co/P7ZX67TCvn via @YouTube