@gurnit_atwal @old_man_chester @tladeras Oh, and the site for @xieyihui's bookdown 📦 is a veritable hit parade of g… https://t.co/q47OhssqCy



Sharon Machlis (@sharon000; 0/0): Blogdown #rstats pkg: My category pages show all posts regardless of post’s cats. Any ideas? My StackOverflow Q: https://t.co/8djnxgFIXN


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 122): @gurnit_atwal @old_man_chester @tladeras Oh, and the site for @xieyihui’s bookdown 📦 is a veritable hit parade of g… https://t.co/q47OhssqCy

Chester Ismay (@old_man_chester; 20): @dataandme @gurnit_atwal @tladeras @rudeboybert Yep! It is on https://t.co/g0GH5iAf5i . We need some assistance w… https://t.co/wAUF1csApn

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 0/0): @old_man_chester @gurnit_atwal @tladeras @rudeboybert Nice! Is that one not on the bookdown site? It’s also very po… https://t.co/qTAwGDVs35