@socarxiv @ElsevierArchaeo @OSFramework The paper is written completely in #rstats markdown, using @rstudio &… https://t.co/ijXivFmkeE



Nick Strayer (@NicholasStrayer; 20): obscure pro-tip for hugo or #blogdown: If youre confused with template scope try {{ printf “%#v” .}} to see all the variables available!

Dan Wilson (@danwwilson; 11): @Netlify, absolutely loving the integration with @gitlab and @letsencrypt. Winning combo for #blogdown and #rstats

Austin Wehrwein (@awhstin; 0/0): Nearing the point of fully embracing blogdown for the website. https://t.co/d7GEzWdYPt

kazutan v3.4.1 (@kazutan; 0/0): @wakuteka あー,なるほど。hookが必要ですね。両方共,近いのは以前blogdownまわりで見かけて試したことはあります。でもちょっと余力ない…


Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 70): @socarxiv @ElsevierArchaeo @OSFramework The paper is written completely in #rstats markdown, using @rstudio &… https://t.co/ijXivFmkeE

Official KKU (@kkufijimusic; 10): The New #KKU Merch up for sale $30 FJD. Limited Edition Yo 💯👊🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BookDown #kkufijimusic https://t.co/FSaiEmiLUY

Andrew Clark (@pssGuy; 10): be cool if each issue of #rstats Journal was available in rmarkdown, say as bookdown, as well as pdf @hadleywickham @RogerBivand

‎(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ (@wakuteka; 0/0): RmdでWebサイトつくっちゃおうっていうチュートリアルがbookdownでつくられてるのが萌えポイント / “R MarkdownでWebサイト生成しよう” https://t.co/MDfWrrIejK


Uryu Shinya (@u_ribo; 10): @KuboBook 出力はknitr::kable()を使うとデータフレーム、行列オブジェクトをmarkdown, htmlやlatex形式で出力できて良かったりします。(RMarkdownという手も…)

Rafael Ventura (@focusontop; 0/0): I would like to share my recent post on how to implement a report about chemical engineering process modelling using…https://t.co/5xZeJITOt5

WordPress Bot (@wordpressbot; 0/0): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series) here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #css @wordpressbot

kh (@kanji14134; 0/0): kable()のNAはこれで見せかけ消せる options(https://t.co/voryGLYgiQ = “)

Javascript Bot (@JavascriptBot; 0/0): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Serie here https://t.co/N8OjbxSa6S #javascript @javascriptbot