@JennyBryan Nice. I bet you’d write it differently now. Lexie’s babybook is likely to involve blogdown (not an excu… https://t.co/BzwSuRpwPP



Romain François (@romain_francois; 30): @JennyBryan Nice. I bet you’d write it differently now. Lexie’s babybook is likely to involve blogdown (not an excu… https://t.co/BzwSuRpwPP


Francisco Zambrano (@frzambra; 20): Agricultural drought in Chile: From the assessment toward prediction using satellite data https://t.co/JS2hgubTgN #bookdown @xieyihui

Shawn Graham (@electricarchaeo; 0/0): @kvkirako it doesn’t, really. We’re writing with Bookdown (https://t.co/M4aZ59dfUV), within RStudio, for integrated… https://t.co/NiEdyVSqwp


Tom Wallis (@tsawallis; 10): @sTeamTraen @bradpwyble @mcxfrank Rmarkdown / knitr means you can look up exactly which number reported. Hopefully comment says why.