@brodriguesco *boom* 💣! God, I love #blogdown so darn much! @xieyihui, you should probably be whatever the R-equiva… https://t.co/TxOxP45CLz



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 95): @brodriguesco boom 💣! God, I love #blogdown so darn much! @xieyihui, you should probably be whatever the R-equiva… https://t.co/TxOxP45CLz

David John Baker (@DavidJohnBaker; 10): Was going to spend 30 minutes or so figuring out what I was doing wrong with #rstats blogdown… 2 hrs later figured it out!


Rich Jolly (@rich_jolly; 11): Roger Peng’s online text: Advanced Statistical Computing https://t.co/4poZNduSqf

Kompjuter biblioteka (@kombib; 0/0): YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R

Unlike SPSS, Matlab, Excel and JMP, R is, and always will be completely free



すーぎー@革カブ (@soogie; 11): xaringanやrevealjsを使ったrmdドキュメントとしても参考になるなぁ〜 https://t.co/fNYMeWkxnj

niszetr (@niszet0; 0/0): ラズパイ上のRでLチカしてみた話のスライドを作るにあたって、Rmdの結果がそのままでは使えないのか…xaringanの勉強にそちらで作ってみようかな

Yuya MATSUMURA (@y__mattu; 0/0): xaringanで作ったスライド重くね?自分だけ?