WIP: Building my course website in #blogdown, w/ look inspired by one of @cboettig's: 👀 https://t.co/iawcGPnFaW 🤖 https://t.co/EnErLZpKjS



Mine CetinkayaRundel (@minebocek; 549): WIP: Building my course website in #blogdown, w/ look inspired by one of @cboettig’s: 👀 https://t.co/iawcGPnFaW 🤖 https://t.co/EnErLZpKjS

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 30): @kearneymw @andrewheiss blogdown = Hugo + Pandoc, so yes, you can certainly use bibliography since Pandoc supports… https://t.co/qaVuQPh8qI

Nick Strayer (@NicholasStrayer; 10): @robanhk Glad you like it! The github page is unfortunately poorly documented, but here’s an article on the theme https://t.co/m0W6CAGOon


Gaurav Kandlikar (@gauravsk_; 10): (@xieyihui thanks for the awesome resource, enjoying bookdown (and xaringan etc))

Matt McBee (@TunnelOfFire; 0/2): Does anyone know how to save the intermediate .tex when compiling bookdown to pdf_book()?

Matt McBee (@TunnelOfFire; 0/0): Turns out it’s like this. Note the “:” after pdf_book and the indention.

output: bookdown::pdf_book: keep_tex: yes

Aubrie (@slaubrie; 0/0): @gauravsk_ i haven’t even heard of bookdown! cool! Ideally overleaf but if there’s 0 interest in TeX I just conve… https://t.co/HzceM1w5qJ

Gaurav Kandlikar (@gauravsk_; 0/0): Any advice on writing in latex/rmd + collaborating w/ MS Word users? Currently just bookdown::word_document2() but suggestions appreciated

kazutan v3.4.1 (@kazutan; 0/0): @zero310 @Qiita 調べてみてら、確かにbookdownを使っているようでした https://t.co/OUGP8fpmdA

3100 (@zero310; 0/0): caretのサイトがこれ製ぽかった。/ {bookdown}を利用してRで本を作成 by @kazutan on @Qiita https://t.co/s3aFP38D8p


Evan Oman (@philomathophile; 10): Compared my no-cheatsheet #FantasyFootball Draft to @espn rankings using #rstats, #knitr, #ggplot. See results here… https://t.co/zJra9eOIgy

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 0/0): @DrDanHolmes @rosannavhespen Opining re pandoc beyond knitr & sweave would land me firmly in ultracrepidarian terri… https://t.co/yVIi86oBs2

newsafaribooks (@newsafaribooks; 0/0): Dynamic Documents with R and knitr, Second Edition, 2nd Edition #ChapmanandHall #CRC https://t.co/Lmz8lrWwBN #R

jacob ingalls (@jacobingalls; 0/0): In the last 10 days I’ve learned, plotly, knitr, kable, ggplot, and a good chunk of R

data_sciesotist (@data_sciesotist; 0/0): 「knitr で巨大なサイズのオブジェクトをキャッシュしようとしたら、こういうエラーが出た」knitr で lazy load error が出たら cache.lazy=FALSE by @hoxo_m on @Qiita https://t.co/lY29qLrUPD


James E. Pustejovsky (@jepusto; 40): Staying up way too late playing with #xaringan to re-do slides for introductory lecture tomorrow. Thanks @xieyihui! https://t.co/OAjFWcO3cY

Gaurav Kandlikar (@gauravsk_; 10): (@xieyihui thanks for the awesome resource, enjoying bookdown (and xaringan etc))

Alice Harpole (@_harpolea; 10): @drvinceknight @rgaiacs It looks like MathJax is built in so you can write LaTeX expressions and they’ll just work https://t.co/SlxRE2fJnt

Alice Harpole (@_harpolea; 10): @rgaiacs The maths rendering and plotting of xaringan looks potentially very useful though (if I can get past the R…)!

Metamathan (@metamathan; 0/0): Why xaringan / remark.js for HTML5 Presentations? https://t.co/Aa7dHHESDJ #statistics


James E. Pustejovsky (@jepusto; 40): Staying up way too late playing with #xaringan to re-do slides for introductory lecture tomorrow. Thanks @xieyihui! https://t.co/OAjFWcO3cY

Alice Harpole (@_harpolea; 10): @drvinceknight @rgaiacs It looks like MathJax is built in so you can write LaTeX expressions and they’ll just work https://t.co/SlxRE2fJnt