Hello Hugo! Hello Blogdown! https://t.co/RMUUuEcmd6 reworked my static page with hugo and #blogdown https://t.co/hrUho39DGe



Leonard Kiefer (@lenkiefer; 20): Hello Hugo! Hello Blogdown! https://t.co/RMUUuEcmd6 reworked my static page with hugo and #blogdown https://t.co/hrUho39DGe

Avinash Manure (@avinax; 0/0): @xieyihui Can you please look into this https://t.co/xLXVca3NUG and help me with a solution? #blogdown #github #rstudio

Morgan Brand (@Morgs_John; 0/0): Do you think that #blogdown universal theme on #Hugo is something labs could set up for their work? If already using R why not… @xieyihui


yoni sidi (@yoniceedee; 10): @xieyihui fun with bookdown :) https://t.co/TvWDW6WPZ7 #rstats

Romain Lesur (@RLesur; 0/0): Easily publish a #rstats bookdown with #GitLabPages and rocker/verse https://t.co/0G43BEAbeT thx to @xieyihui @cboettig & @eddelbuettel


WordPress Bot (@wordpressbot; 11): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series) here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #css @wordpressbot

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 10): One Little Thing: knitr::imgur_upload() #rstats #datascience https://t.co/lVk3WjutxS

A bunch of data (@abunchofdata; 0/0): One Little Thing: knitr::imgur_upload() - https://t.co/62kAMGdBfQ #machinelearning #IoT #AI #BigData

prital (@prital19; 0/0): https://t.co/QHlERAmTS2

prital (@prital19; 0/0): R pck name: knitr neater or knitter(single t). knit+R (while Sweave=S+weave). Yes “knitted” documents are very “… https://t.co/f4gBkiiCio

Pauline Barmby (@PBarmby; 0/0): @danlizotte Perhaps just a gratuitous reference to knitr, thereby showing my data sci cred?

Metamathan (@metamathan; 0/0): One Little Thing: knitr::imgur_upload() https://t.co/VkaVCMtW5j #statistics

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/0): One Little Thing: knitr::imgur_upload() @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/lVk3WjutxS


Taavi Päll (@taavipall; 0/0): I like xaringan so much! Khm.., I found myself migrating from great slidify to xaringan. #xaringan… https://t.co/hRqti10uwY


R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 10): One Little Thing: knitr::imgur_upload() #rstats #datascience https://t.co/lVk3WjutxS

prital (@prital19; 0/0): https://t.co/QHlERAmTS2

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/0): One Little Thing: knitr::imgur_upload() @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/lVk3WjutxS

M. G. A. (@pontischeswild; 0/0): library() vs require() in R

https://t.co/pIGKs4iYmH via @xieyihui