#RStats — "R Data Import/Export" as a bookdown is online \o/ https://t.co/HmhZlLSK4S https://t.co/ySDrgQj4Gi



antuki (@antuki13; 187): #RStats After hours of hard work (understanding html & CSS) here is my new (multilingual!) hugo blogdown blog !! https://t.co/xHs7EcfATN

Nic Crane (@nic_crane; 32): Repost bc blogdown migration: “Getting started w/ Leaflet interactive maps in Shiny - step by step guide”!… https://t.co/LYObZRzrv7

Derek Sollberger (@DerekSollberger; 21): is going to try out a #rstats #blogdown setting! https://t.co/XOLYNJeT5a

stevenmosher (@stevenmosher; 0/0): @xieyihui where can we report bugs with blogdown or get help, super confused


Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 3210): #RStats — “R Data Import/Export” as a bookdown is online \o/ https://t.co/HmhZlLSK4S https://t.co/ySDrgQj4Gi

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 30): @hrbrmstr I’m working w/ the epub, which are basically zips with one html file per chapter — so the bookdown conver… https://t.co/VMFZWfCASx

boB Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 10): @_ColinFay Are you translating to bookdown from the rendered HTML or the texinfo files?

Emma R (@er13_r; 10): The original W. N. Venables & D. M. Smith Intro to R in bookdown! This is where I started https://t.co/tHuxLPtOpY