😩 my 📕 title gets mangled, & the ✨ version of @thomasp85's logo ✂️! "The blogdown Logo" by @xieyihui… https://t.co/GsjbJRI92Z



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 170): 😩 my 📕 title gets mangled, & the ✨ version of @thomasp85’s logo ✂️! “The blogdown Logo” by @xieyihui… https://t.co/GsjbJRI92Z

Daniel Klotz (@ido87; 21): aw, the sticker examples for blogdown are great: https://t.co/PzsmL6P72I #rstats #blogdown

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @NicholasStrayer Yes, you can try to report to the blogdown repo. It it turns out not to be a blogdown but an IDE i… https://t.co/CSx16RcDpp

Nishit Patel (@NishitP0101; 10): Thinking of moving my blog to @netlify and using #blogdown.

Edgar Ruiz (@theotheredgar; 0/0): Weekend project - Move my blog from WordPress to Netlify / blogdown: https://t.co/anbFKBTJo4 Thanks @xieyihui ! #rstats

Brian G Barkley (@BarkleyBG; 0/0): @xieyihui @NicholasStrayer Was it related to opening new project w/ website via Rstudio 1.3+? I think this calls bl… https://t.co/gbvWM9NBbq

Raniere Silva (@rgaiacs; 0/0): .@annakrystalli did you like the next sticker at your laptop? https://t.co/SU7PUTakbm


Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 113): #RStats — “Are These Still The R Manuals I Knew?!” https://t.co/01BEZNBcfc

Peter Baumgartner (@pbaumgartner; 20): Ich behaupte: Cross Media Publishing ist ohne größeres technisches Know How möglich? s. mein Laien-Ergebnis nach 20h https://t.co/TFpWKJzREt

niszetr (@niszet0; 0/0): この回答集、単に答える以上のことを書いていたりして勉強になる…。 ありがたいですね。


Luca Scrucca (@luca_scr; 0/0): @Rstats Manuals as bookdown https://t.co/l0f3irorMp

Martin Lindner (@martinlindner; 0/0): @pbaumgartner @DATEV_Bildung habe ich auch gerade gemacht (ein ebook, nicht mit bookdown). aber einfaches #mobi sch… https://t.co/xS5AefP3sk

Matthias Andrasch (@m_andrasch; 0/0): @pbaumgartner … in Lehre/sonstigen Bildungssettings rechtssicher möglich ist? Danke fürs Teilen, kannte #Bookdown noch nicht! VG


WordPress Flux (@wordpressbot; 12): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #javascript @wordpressbot

kohske (@kohske; 10): @teramonagi knitrはYAML読まないと思います。多分。RmarkdownがYAML読んで、knitrのrmd->md変換をちょっと修飾したり、md->outputのpandocオプション制御したり、ですね。

kohske (@kohske; 10): @teramonagi knitrはrmdをmdにするやつで、rmarkdownはknitr+pandocという理解でほぼほぼOKだと思います。

無名のNagi Teramo (@teramonagi; 0/0): knitrとrmarkdownの違い・依存関係が分かってねえ…

Steph Locke (@SteffLocke; 0/0): Learn how to set up #Python on #Windows so that you can include Python in your #rmarkdown! https://t.co/1qRcA2IUT3

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): Knitr ‘asis’ option not working when R produces LaTeX code https://t.co/3NU8sGgqxl https://t.co/wvb1vfNCqs


Savão..🌴😎🎈 (@SavioLopez22; 0/1): Agr Eu Só Broto Na Escola Usando Xaringan ..🍃🌴😎


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 170): 😩 my 📕 title gets mangled, & the ✨ version of @thomasp85’s logo ✂️! “The blogdown Logo” by @xieyihui… https://t.co/GsjbJRI92Z

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 113): #RStats — “Are These Still The R Manuals I Knew?!” https://t.co/01BEZNBcfc

Daniel Klotz (@ido87; 21): aw, the sticker examples for blogdown are great: https://t.co/PzsmL6P72I #rstats #blogdown

Raniere Silva (@rgaiacs; 0/0): .@annakrystalli did you like the next sticker at your laptop? https://t.co/SU7PUTakbm