@romain_francois @_ColinFay @klmr @statsforbios @JennyBryan i stole this technique from the bookdown source code. G… https://t.co/2B1WUu6cPk



Kurtis Pivert (@kpivert; 0/0): Hey #blogdown users, any recommendations for site search platforms that play well with @GoHugoIO? #rstats

Leonard Kiefer (@lenkiefer; 0/0): @yoniceedee oh, more links broken by my Jekyll to Hugo/blogdown transition… fixed them now. Thanks!

Peter Baumgartner (@pbaumgartner; 0/0): Are you using Disqus? My post summarizes some critiques about Disqus and looks for alternatives https://t.co/rjmOcjjCd9 #rstat #blogdown


tj mahr 🦆 (@tjmahr; 30): @romain_francois @_ColinFay @klmr @statsforbios @JennyBryan i stole this technique from the bookdown source code. G… https://t.co/2B1WUu6cPk

matti heino (@Heinonmatti; 10): @Research_Tim @TUMohdKhalil If you use R, reproducible manuscripts seems like the way to go? I plan on using bookdo… https://t.co/s95HKWCa4G

Marlon Samuels (@UriSamuels; 0/0): #RMarkdown: bookdown with plotly #Tech #Internet #Question #HowTO https://t.co/djnuvS4g62


Mo Sedlak (@MoSedlak; 10): Business idea: r2twitter library, analog zu knitr, sweaveR oder Rmarkdown

Christian Bokhove (@cbokhove; 10): @Research_Tim I’m sure someone had already told you about knitr? https://t.co/5xxZ8sT6No

Meyappan (@msubbaiah1; 0/0): @Havoc4Check glad you are playing with collegeballR! kable is part of the knitr package (brought to us by @xieyihu)!

Konrad Rudolph 🇪🇺 (@klmr; 0/0): @_ColinFay @statsforbios @romain_francois FWIW, Yihui unfortunately disagrees with this characterisation. 😟… https://t.co/OsY9NfDABl

Konrad Rudolph 🇪🇺 (@klmr; 0/0): @_ColinFay @statsforbios @romain_francois Huh, I’d call that a bug in knitr’s implementation of Markdown. Very anno… https://t.co/0Jm9UdgbMS

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 0/0): @danmaclean In other words, I would like knitr to ignore a specific ```{r} chunk, and include it as is in my html output

Christian Bokhove (@cbokhove; 0/0): @Research_Tim The coursera MOOC on Rmarkdown etc is ok. Think it also covered knitr.

Tim van der Zee (@Research_Tim; 0/0): @cbokhove Yes I’ve thought about RMarkDown/knitr. I’ll have to learn it though; I’m not entirely sure how much time it will cost & save me.