@ucfagls Would it help to know your beautiful Xaringan slides made my (yester)day? https://t.co/ZQQb4LsDn1 thanks to you and @xieyihui



Phil Chapman (@chapmandu2; 41): enjoying using blogdown from @xieyihui to document/handover all my R-based packages, shiny apps, analyses etc - a really mature package now!

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 41): blogdownはShinyでポップアップが出てポチポチやったら選んだRmdだけknitされる、みたいな風にしたかったけどむりっぽかった。

thinkR (@thinkR_fr; 31): #RStats — Socialize your #blogdown : https://t.co/38tdIGrWd4 https://t.co/zKoFHsIa1a

Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 10): Conversion of my webpage to blogdown is surprisingly smooth but rerendering all those gifs make my computer cry

Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 10): @xieyihui any plans for build in gif animation support in blogdown?

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 0/1): How Not To Knit All Rmd Files With Blogdown | Wannabe Rstats-fu https://t.co/yAySmMX5es #blogdown #rstats

Patrick ✸ (@netzstreuner; 0/0): https://t.co/o92XIiHELX 💙


Andrew Clark (@pssGuy; 10): @_ColinFay specifically library(bookdown)

Marlon Samuels (@UriSamuels; 0/0): #Bibtex authors appearing as dashed lines in references when using bookdown and pandoc #Tech #Internet #Question #… https://t.co/5JNSh1ctPw

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): Bibtex authors appearing as dashed lines in references when using bookdown and pandoc https://t.co/yNtxsl4sCs https://t.co/wvb1vfNCqs

Daily Tech Issues (@AdamSmitht1; 0/0): #Bibtex authors appearing as dashed lines in references when using bookdown and pandoc #Tech #News #HowTo https://t.co/ubmzJoidzX

Patrick ✸ (@netzstreuner; 0/0): https://t.co/o92XIiHELX 💙


WordPress Flux (@wordpressbot; 0/1): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series) here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #css @wordpressbot

WordPress Flux (@wordpressbot; 0/0): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series) here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #html5 @wordpressbot

WordPress Flux (@wordpressbot; 0/0): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #javascript @wordpressbot


andrea panizza (@unsorsodicorda; 51): @ucfagls Would it help to know your beautiful Xaringan slides made my (yester)day? https://t.co/ZQQb4LsDn1 thanks to you and @xieyihui

andrea panizza (@unsorsodicorda; 10): #rstats users, if u’re still in Beamer hell, join me in Xaringan heaven and make truly CRANtastic slides! @xieyihui https://t.co/iGLUgGsonY

Gavin Simpson (@ucfagls; 10): @unsorsodicorda @xieyihui Yes, it would. Thank you Andrea. Xaringan has been my most pleasant experience with HTML… https://t.co/rIITv3cEza

StagiR 📊 (@_AntoineB; 0/0): @privefl Yep, ça peut le faire :) Cinq minutes sur l’analyse des génomes bactériens du coup ? J’ai commencé à regarder {xaringan} ^^