@rushworth_a Maybe you already know this 📦, but have you tried xaringan? https://t.co/HnKCBXDwHD The default css is… https://t.co/Rq94elx5qG



Barry Rowlingson (@geospacedman; 0/0): Someone on SO says they’re writing a novel with bookdown. Tempted to comment “Oh really, neither am I” but doubt th… https://t.co/56CNUOxNQZ

Alberto G8 (@albertoflorez21; 0/0): Aprendiendo bookdown.

https://t.co/3LOyPuQhOC https://t.co/KplirLvZPW


Xtophe (@Xtophe_Bontemps; 30): Thank you @xieyihui for reminding me this simple trick on knitr #rstats https://t.co/lySIIigYpw

Antdrew Nguyen (@EvoPhys; 10): @Duke_of_neural @ZKamvar Some extra side notes: you can share single nb entries with a hyperlink, do a search find… https://t.co/9ECKnmTMbq

Joshua Goldberg (@GoldbergData; 0/0): When you spend 45 minutes trying to interpret some error that knitr populates: it was just the % sign in the code c… https://t.co/laJd2mX3nx

Daily Tech Issues (@AdamSmitht1; 0/0): #Internationalization R knitr Figure caption label #Tech #News #HowTo https://t.co/Fuw31zcwzJ


Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 51): @rushworth_a Maybe you already know this 📦, but have you tried xaringan? https://t.co/HnKCBXDwHD The default css is… https://t.co/Rq94elx5qG

alastair rushworth (@rushworth_a; 20): @romain_francois @ma_salmon @xieyihui I’ve been trying ioslides& slidy. I meant to try xaringan after seeing some n… https://t.co/Q7u9rip6mh

Romain François (@romain_francois; 10): @ma_salmon @rushworth_a Yeah knowing some css typically makes your #shiny apps nicer too.

Which md presentation a… https://t.co/fOYAVasuQY


srah nguyen (@snewyuen; 0/0): note to self: learn a little from this https://t.co/Tn6QZrbUlI

resi [sponsored by viewers like you. thank you] (@resir014; 0/0): If you’re doing a static site and you’ve been hosting it on GitHub Pages, I do recommend switching over to Netlify. https://t.co/rzqkwnnTDu