@hadleywickham @kierisi @ma_salmon @noamross Yes!! I released my first knitr-reproducible paper with a CRAPL license https://t.co/J2KYrJ10ux



Andrew Heiss 🍂🍁🍂 (@andrewheiss; 30): Tricky-ish #rstats question: is there an easy way to convert a blogdown site into a single PDF, like with bookdown?… https://t.co/sTGN5FrCfM

Jason Baik (@jasonbaik94; 10): ANNOUNCEMENT: With the help of @xieyihui ’s blogdown, I’ve made my first website ever! https://t.co/XPaDmRgiss #rstats #DataScience

stevenmosher (@stevenmosher; 0/0): @ClimateAudit have a look at blogdown. write in R and post it as a blog


Andrew Heiss 🍂🍁🍂 (@andrewheiss; 30): Tricky-ish #rstats question: is there an easy way to convert a blogdown site into a single PDF, like with bookdown?… https://t.co/sTGN5FrCfM

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): How to: A scenebreak in bookdown https://t.co/hYIPGkLp0l https://t.co/wvb1vfNCqs


David Robinson (@drob; 100): @hadleywickham @kierisi @ma_salmon @noamross Yes!! I released my first knitr-reproducible paper with a CRAPL license https://t.co/J2KYrJ10ux

Stephen Martin (@smartin2018; 10): @MorHeene You’d probably like this R lecture I’m giving :p. Compiled it into a webgl/knitr doc, so I can spin these… https://t.co/OS2OOQEgTu

Daily Tech Issues (@AdamSmitht1; 0/0): #r/knitr/rmarkdown/yaml: Multilevel dictionary howto? #Tech #News #HowTo https://t.co/nKtV7si0Ik


Bichaton 📊 (@_AntoineB; 0/0): J’ai fait mon premier #Xaringan :D En gros, c’est un package pour faire des présentations en HTML avec R #RStats #RStatsFr