So this looks neat, easy use of julia in #rstats Rmd?? Also didn't know that python engine now uses reticulate, so can share data across blocks. Anyone tried it yet?



**** (@; 30): @CivicAngela @GoldbergData @RLadiesGlobal You can read the Chapter 3 and Appendix C of the blogdown book: I also mentioned in the book that I don’t recommend Github Pages, but you certainly can use it.

**** (@; 30): New academic website thanks to #blogdown, #knitr, #rmarkdown and #rstats:

**** (@; 20): Take your #holiday gift exchange to the next level with R #rstats #blogdown

**** (@; 20): Just joined the #blogdown movement and feeling motivated! #rstats

**** (@; 0/1): New blog post up, if you’re a fan of Stranger Things you should enjoy this read!!

#blog #bloggingtips #BlogTour #blogbig #blogmas #blogdown #BloggerBlast #bloggerlife #MKULTRA #StrangersThings2 #conspiracy #ConspiracyG

**** (@; 0/0): Try blogdown for your science

**** (@; 0/0): @xieyihui @CivicAngela @RLadiesGlobal Thanks Yihui! So you recommend using an actual domain? Your book is on my reading list. I’ll tackle it soon when making a blog, as I plan to use blogdown.


**** (@; 41): If it helps anyone do the same: and that a) build a conference programme from a database stored in Google Sheets and b) generate the conference programme in bookdown. In hindsight, using SQLlite mk the DB would have been better.

**** (@; 30): @CivicAngela @GoldbergData @RLadiesGlobal You can read the Chapter 3 and Appendix C of the blogdown book: I also mentioned in the book that I don’t recommend Github Pages, but you certainly can use it.

**** (@; 10): Creating APIs in R with Plumber #rstats #bookdown

**** (@; 0/0): @ShotbyRobins The solution was rather unexpected - using the bookdown epub as input for Calibre, and then using Calibre to output the different formats gave me almost exactly what I wanted, including a better ePub!

**** (@; 0/0): @jakekaupp Yeah, ultimately bookdown is just a wrapper for R Markdown, so I just used the base functionality of R Markdown to achieve my aim.

**** (@; 0/0): @dannyjnwong I feel the docx tunnel vision in academia pain. Bookdown is still rmarkdown and can render to docx to satisfy those that love Word.

**** (@; 0/0): @jakekaupp I did consider bookdown but decided against it. My supervisor and collaborators like working with docx

**** (@; 0/0): @dannyjnwong You should check out the bookdown package.

**** (@; 0/0): Image preview for post when compiling from .Rmd with bookdown? #gohugo


**** (@; 157): So this looks neat, easy use of julia in #rstats Rmd?? Also didn’t know that python engine now uses reticulate, so can share data across blocks.

Anyone tried it yet?

**** (@; 51): As usual, a new amazing feature 🎉 #RStats

**** (@; 30): New academic website thanks to #blogdown, #knitr, #rmarkdown and #rstats:

**** (@; 21): @marskar @rmflight @rstudio See The RStudio IDE support will come eventually but not now. The new python engine works with any output formats except notebooks.

**** (@; 0/0): Change color of error messages in RMarkdown code output (HTML) Amt:500 #R #Knitr #RMarkdown

**** (@; 0/0): @rmflight I tried it w/ knitr 1.17.15 & reticulate 1.3 in @RStudio R notebook and Rmd; didn’t work for me: #Python chunks do not display results inline. Variables do not show up in the environment pane or get shared across chunks. When I knit, the Python chunks disappear.