#RStats — If you're an active xaringan user, this {remedy} feature to insert a pull-left and pull-right easily will save you some time :) https://t.co/cWsy39t0WL https://t.co/HrpQiKpufS



Metamathan (@metamathan; 0/0): If You Really Want to Customize Your blogdown-based Website, Study the Hugo-XMin Theme https://t.co/H7wgmzxiDA #statistics


Matti Vuorre (@vuorre; 20): @dstephenlindsay @JeffRouder @richarddmorey @PsychCardiffUni https://t.co/xcwV3hloO3 https://t.co/XSJ0GjisTa

Luca Zavarella (@lucazav; 20): Books and Technical Documents written with #RMarkdown with #bookdown are easy to write, visually pleasant to view, fun to interact with, convenient to navigate https://t.co/cmEmObcPeC #rstats https://t.co/x3aqqWSGbt

Un Exemple (@UnExemple; 10): #bookdown est vraiment une jolie plateforme pour produire des supports de cours web, même si je préfère #sphinx (richesse du rst) pour le moment, ou #jekyll (dont je maîtrise mieux la personnalisation).

Ici, un cours de social network analysis #SNA https://t.co/hZr3ccaENo


Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 10): How to Generate A Verbatim Code Chunk or Inline #RStats Expression in knitr in the Output : https://t.co/jq7EsCnddb

Inma T Castro (@inmatcastro; 10): Compilar LaTeX en R usando Sweave and Knitr https://t.co/xKXdvOCaf8

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): How do I create a table using huxtable to produce a LATEX pdf output with knitr? https://t.co/9IoqWPvFGi https://t.co/wvb1vfNCqs

Sebastian Sauer (@sauer_sebastian; 0/0): R code runs w/o error, but #knitr yields #error? Do: 1) check chunk options AND 2) clear knitr cache

#rstats #rmarkdown


Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 154): #RStats — If you’re an active xaringan user, this {remedy} feature to insert a pull-left and pull-right easily will save you some time :) https://t.co/cWsy39t0WL https://t.co/HrpQiKpufS


Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 10): How to Generate A Verbatim Code Chunk or Inline #RStats Expression in knitr in the Output : https://t.co/jq7EsCnddb

Daneel Olivaw (@d_olivaw; 0/0): “When a problem does not have a solution, it is not a problem, but a condition.” <- mi nuevo mantra. https://t.co/OggnJwstpB via @xieyihui