@ma_salmon @lumbininep @hadleywickham Also Writing R Extensions from CRAN: https://t.co/MbrO2EUcp6 @_ColinFay bookdown-ified it, too: https://t.co/UxtCDhVAm2



stevenmosher (@stevenmosher; 10): @JWGrieve @issy_clarke1 @realDonaldTrump @bgzimmer @Eng_Lang_UoB @news_ub would be cool as a Rnotebook or blogdown post. great work

Dosen Cat (@javymoon; 0/0): Jiji hice mi primer gráfico en @rstudio con plotly, vamos por blogdown y hugo


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 73): @ma_salmon @lumbininep @hadleywickham Also Writing R Extensions from CRAN: https://t.co/MbrO2EUcp6 @_ColinFay bookdown-ified it, too: https://t.co/UxtCDhVAm2

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 50): @dataandme @ma_salmon @lumbininep @hadleywickham I’m currently working on a package that can locally turn the manuals into bookdown, offline and based on your R version (but that’s a secret 😜)

Roger D. Peng (@rdpeng; 20): Have you ever wondered about the answer to this question? Then @bcaffo’s empirical supremum rejection sampling is for you! https://t.co/yT2yVUgAHQ https://t.co/Rvzd8EW32O

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 20): @sctyner @xieyihui Have you tried the definitions list workaround? https://t.co/sL5BjP57kG https://t.co/iFKPybYHlt

Sam Tyner (@sctyner; 20): Has anyone successfully used the glossaries #LaTeX package in #bookdown? #rstats #help @xieyihui

I’m just seeing empty pages where the Glossary should be. Links much appreciated! 🙏🏼


Bothe( ̄□ ̄;) (@geschichtenpost; 0/0): Until recently Rstudio/Rmarkdown/Knitr/Pandoc recognized ~/ for the home directory. But not anymore?

AIBigDataCloudIoTBot (@ClouDatAI; 0/0): melleprune : 1500 Followers 0 Following How Did We Do That? - https://t.co/30eH497WmZ Dynamic Documents with R and knitr (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series) : https://t.co/BAYoGDv7Gx

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): knitr: add to previous plot in new code chunk https://t.co/0ugy3Ih27j https://t.co/wvb1vfNCqs


R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 33): How I Learned R @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/6EMjpt9aOI

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/0): The Spreadsheet Lady @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/PQ0ert3oKB