I was thinking about renaming (i.e shortening) {trycatchthis} after reading @xieyihui blogpost about naming : https://t.co/XaKxya0E84. As a non-native english speaker, I have to say that the {available} package is really an incredibly useful tool. https://t.co/pOrvsRMOnu



Jorge A Rodriguez MD (@translatedmed; 30): @dataandme @apreshill I’m literally redesigning my blog/site with blogdown as I type this. Super timely.

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 20): @TeebzR @ZKamvar Appendix D.3: https://t.co/NESADrnEJo

Joshua Rosenberg (@jrosenberg6432; 0/0): @bennettscience Cool. What will you use? I use @GoHugoIO (via Blogdown in R…)


Progressive Mapping (@Progressive_MA; 95): Shifting from GUI-based to command line-based GIS has been piecemeal to learn and a bit confusing…this book pulls it all together. Thanks @robinlovelace, @jakub_nowosad and Jannes Muenchow (@?) For the great work https://t.co/P3XrPvRJrO

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 20): @TeebzR @ZKamvar Appendix D.3: https://t.co/NESADrnEJo

Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 0/0): @hadleywickham HAHAHAHA yes, you did. You left some helpful notes on the bookdown repo but still I ran into some trouble I have since overcome.

sofia pagliarin (@pagliasofia; 0/0): The Ultimate guide for QCA in R. Adrian Dusa’s Book on QCA in R https://t.co/mKSO8odkXn https://t.co/l6XmJSrsms

HydroModel (@ModelHydro; 0/0): Geocomputation with R https://t.co/eWVSxkwch4


Thomas Mock (@thomas_mock; 285): My publication/R-Markdown tables just got so much better/faster! #kableExtra is a fantastic package building off knitr/kable and incorporates the %>%. Written by @haozhu233 and deserves the @dataandme treatment! https://t.co/XtXFgUZ532 #rstats #dataviz #rmarkdown https://t.co/GTdSpJRBW4

iot portal (@iotportal1; 0/0): Using checkpoint with knitr and RStudio The knitr package by Yihui Xie is a wonderful tool for re https://t.co/tJXvt35nSd #category3

Daily Tech Issues (@AdamSmitht1; 0/0): #Is there a way in knitr to evaluate inline code chunks of other languages? #Tech #News #HowTo https://t.co/iKLBhEDDtL

Daily Tech Issues (@AdamSmitht1; 0/0): #RMarkdown document - How to delay knitr evaluation of an inline code piece until later chunks have processed? #Tech #News #HowTo https://t.co/C8XcUiik5T

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): RMarkdown document - How to delay knitr evaluation of an inline code piece until later chunks have processed? https://t.co/1211iV5A5I https://t.co/wvb1vfNCqs


andrea panizza (@unsorsodicorda; 40): A very small intro to #DeepLearning I’ve been showing around lately. I was waiting to rewrite it with #xaringan, but it would have been obsolete by the time I finished, so…here it is! https://t.co/vACRR79LGJ credits to @rasbt @aditdeshpande3 @fhuszar for most of the material


Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 305): I was thinking about renaming (i.e shortening) {trycatchthis} after reading @xieyihui blogpost about naming : https://t.co/XaKxya0E84. As a non-native english speaker, I have to say that the {available} package is really an incredibly useful tool. https://t.co/pOrvsRMOnu

Kun Ren (@renkun_ken; 50): Tried https://t.co/kZSDPMFPk6 with rmarkdown and both English and Chinese rendering. The most smooth experience ever using latex! Strongly recommend! https://t.co/zSJI56oPVO