a few good examples from where I sit in #rstats: the tidyverse, Rcpp, knitr/rmarkdown, devtools, and @rstudio



Nan Xiao (@road2stat; 70): Tanka: A Minimalist Theme for Hugo and Blogdown https://t.co/YkKr9VMX6K 🎉 https://t.co/aQ4zuc0Wvr

Robert M Flight (@rmflight; 40): Wow! @GoHugoIO and @xieyihui #blogdown make generating a new website so easy!


Now with a dark theme!

tweedle🦑⦩ (@tweed1e; 10): @sharlagelfand 😂 web design: the eternal struggle. But blogdown is 👌, so go do it and then write a post about tidyeval 🙏

Robert M Flight (@rmflight; 10): Need to add non-Rmd generated images to your #blogdown site?

My reminder to myself of how to do it: https://t.co/5XWj8DEytS


Robert M Flight (@rmflight; 0/0): Want to copy and deploy your #blogdown public folder to a repo on your own computer linked to GitHub pages repo using a bash script?


Dr. Matthew Eichler (@DrEichler; 0/0): https://t.co/rwUDVxmyN9 Winter break - seems to be my time to update the website! New #blogdown generated site.

Daily Tech Issues (@AdamSmitht1; 0/0): #Private blog with blogdown in R #Tech #News #HowTo https://t.co/MCfukbQUYT


Noam Ross (@noamross; 71): Would love a #rstats-centric guide to the following: - Make bookdown/pkgdown repo - Deploy as static site to @googlecloud - Auto-build with Docker/build triggers - Set up auth to limit access to users of a google apps domain Figuring it out…but…slowly… @craigcitro @HoloMarkeD

Mark Edmondson (@HoloMarkeD; 0/0): @noamross have you seen the video in this thread? It’s Hugo that bookdown is on so can’t be much more beyond, I was going to try it out in 2018

Thomas Speidel (@ThomasSpeidel; 0/0): @f2harrell Fantastic! Have you thought of turning this into a bookdown project?

Jamie Bono (@jbono; 0/0): Check out the new iteration of the R4DS “learning community!” I always recommend this book (and its bookdown instantiation!) and this community builds on that nicely. 


Michael Davie (@MichaelDavie22; 0/0): Create CONSISTENT Revenue on the Net! https://t.co/NGsfoTRNPp https://t.co/Ao04Fvynn2


Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan; 131): a few good examples from where I sit in #rstats: the tidyverse, Rcpp, knitr/rmarkdown, devtools, and @rstudio

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 11): CRAN updates: knitr https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats

Elvio Blini (@e_blini; 10): @EmirEfen Rmarkdown & knitr ftw, :)

helmingstay (@prosopis; 0/0): 2017 grades are tallied and entered, six hours ahead of schedule! Eyeballs tired, but I saw some wonderful student work. First-year non-math/stats major college students creating reports in #knitr FTW!

Vincent Nijs (@vrnijs; 0/0): @d8aninja @JennyBryan Strange. Works fine for me. Perhaps check out some of the examples @ https://t.co/8IT8trXEQ8 and see if you can get those to run on your system


Antonio S. Chinchón (@aschinchon; 53): Programar (en #Rstats) te da alas: mi clase de este año en Estalmat https://t.co/HNQlJTXqtn (presentación hecha con rMarkdown+Xaringan). Contiene un reto muy molón 👩‍🔬