Showing the literal content of plain-text R code chunks—including the code chunk delimiters—using only plain-text markup is a pain, but pandoc and knitr are up to the task.



Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 131): @imtaraas @dataandme @BecomingDataSci @kierisi Why not blogdown? Someday you will be able to build blogdown posts to books: Most web platforms are not good for technical writing (Medium, WordPress, …).

Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 72): @xieyihui @BecomingDataSci @imtaraas @dataandme for those curious:

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 70): @BecomingDataSci @imtaraas @dataandme @kierisi If you are serious about writing technical content, you should definitely consider blogdown or bookdown. Syntax highlighting is a relatively minor feature. More important ones are: code chunks (reproducibility), figures, tables, captions, cross-references, math, citations, …

Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 60): @xieyihui @imtaraas @dataandme @BecomingDataSci I’m actually working through your blogdown guide right now! It’s fantastic and a million times easier than I expected it to be.

aishida (@aishida; 52): Rとblogdownでかんたんにgithub.io上にブログを使ってみよう!! on @Qiita

Miles McBain (@MilesMcBain; 10): @hrbrmstr @dataandme @imtaraas @BecomingDataSci @kierisi I tried blogdown but I got sick of maint issues. Tech stack is too deep for ocassional user.

Taraas (@imtaraas; 10): @xieyihui @BecomingDataSci @dataandme @kierisi I did try blogdown and had it working at, but got trapped in the “looks” part, just what you warned against. Visual appearance is important to me and I got tired of fine tuning all the little aspects and learning html, css and js (definitely not my goal)

TheWireMonkey (@WireMonkey; 10): Working on a blogdown.netlify site covering cleaning and exploring the MetObjects @metmuseum data in #Tidyverse. In the meantime, enjoy a wordcloud from the “medium” variable from the department of Drawings and Prints: #rstats #wordcloud #DataScience


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 131): @imtaraas @dataandme @BecomingDataSci @kierisi Why not blogdown? Someday you will be able to build blogdown posts to books: Most web platforms are not good for technical writing (Medium, WordPress, …).

Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 72): @xieyihui @BecomingDataSci @imtaraas @dataandme for those curious:

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 70): @BecomingDataSci @imtaraas @dataandme @kierisi If you are serious about writing technical content, you should definitely consider blogdown or bookdown. Syntax highlighting is a relatively minor feature. More important ones are: code chunks (reproducibility), figures, tables, captions, cross-references, math, citations, …

Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 10): @kjhealy Underscores in code chunk labels are not recommended because they prevent cross-referencing figures or tables generated from a code chunk: &


Kieran Healy (@kjhealy; 261): Showing the literal content of plain-text R code chunks—including the code chunk delimiters—using only plain-text markup is a pain, but pandoc and knitr are up to the task.

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 10): knitrがバージョン1.18に。見逃してた。

Mark Andrews (@xmjandrews; 0/0): @Heinonmatti @rstudio I believe the issue is related to how knitr works, as opposed to RMarkdown or RStudio per se. So maybe @xieyihui will have a better idea of the future of Python in RMarkdown.

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): How Do I Output Regression Result Tables to Word from Knitr / R RStudio? (mtable, memisc)

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): Show both ‘active’ and ‘inactive’ plots in knitr html output

Fake StackOverflow (@horseoverflow; 0/0): How to automatically escape characters (’’,’\’ etc) using knitr

matti heino (@Heinonmatti; 10): R commandments: use library() to load packages, not require(). Because reasons.