@xmjandrews @Heinonmatti @rstudio The future is already here! Just update.packages() to get knitr 1.18. We haven't officially announced it yet (waiting till the holiday season is over), but you will absolutely love the Python support in knitr/R Markdown now.



Laura Acion (@lacion; 61): Up and running with blogdown https://t.co/kkfLVqIjqA

Kevin Gilds (@Kevin_Gilds; 20): The fix for Disqus and Images with Blogdown https://t.co/8mYv7fsz1J via @ #rstats


Daily Tech Issues (@AdamSmitht1; 0/0): #Bookdown: Fix extra space before Chinese string inside R code chunk #Tech #News #HowTo https://t.co/zDIorLlpQq


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 73): @xmjandrews @Heinonmatti @rstudio The future is already here! Just update.packages() to get knitr 1.18. We haven’t officially announced it yet (waiting till the holiday season is over), but you will absolutely love the Python support in knitr/R Markdown now.

Pier E Chamberland (@PierEricC; 30): Facing a knitr error with the texreg package when dcolumn = true, can someone help please? What a way to spend a Friday night… #Rstats https://t.co/11c0wD6aZC

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 12): #RStats — “Help Needed: Use Sentence Styles in knitr’s Documentation” : https://t.co/Lbm4uiB396

Mark Andrews (@xmjandrews; 10): @xieyihui @Heinonmatti @rstudio I’ve just tried it out and now there’s persistence between Python chunks. That makes a huge difference in how Python can be used with knitr and RMarkdown. Is Python inline code possible?

matti heino (@Heinonmatti; 0/0): @xmjandrews @xieyihui @rstudio Just to check; when I knit a plot with https://t.co/W5XFpMUegO(), I get a popup window with the plot but no plot in the knitted document. Is this expected, should I rather save the plot and tell knitr to retrieve the saved file?

AI News (@AINewsFeed; 0/0): Knitr machine learning https://t.co/9XuWfnaGQr #ai #ml #dl

Fred Boehm (@FredBoehm128; 0/0): Opportunity to help with knitr documentation & development. https://t.co/vgN3TxZWCd

Metamathan (@metamathan; 0/0): Help Needed: Use Sentence Styles in knitr’s Documentation https://t.co/gl43kpFYcr #statistics

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): https://t.co/dHcrdPkuMN “this means all Python code chunks are evaluated in the same Python session” ほえほえ

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): knitr and texreg error when dcolumn = TRUE, suspecting escape special characters https://t.co/Bu2LYWYzj4 https://t.co/wvb1vfNCqs

war on christmas hua (@hingeloss; 0/0): Oh wow #knitr might very soon work with #pystats - that’s a huge improvement over NBconvert https://t.co/SVKcGerAab


Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 12): #RStats — “Help Needed: Use Sentence Styles in knitr’s Documentation” : https://t.co/Lbm4uiB396