#rstats bookdown + nginx access logs + Rscript + ggplot2 == kindle-like stats for authors https://t.co/EbdiAqVP4S



Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 90): I’m not faulting the organization that sent this, but rather @Medium - this is all the more reason to get things up and running with blogdown.

I have strong feelings about data science education, and one of them is that it should be free and accessible. https://t.co/JrS188PJ93

Drew T. Doering 👨🏻‍🔬🤷🏻‍♂️ (@dtdoering; 0/0): @robinson_es Needed this, thanks! I have several ideas for posts about getting into /surviving in grad school, but I keep getting sidetracked thinking about blogdown/wordpress/etc.!

Frank Harrell (@f2harrell; 0/0): @xieyihui @LeafyEricScott Thanks. I gather from that post that disqus can import blogger comments (with a bit of lost formatting for replies). Then I assume I could use the same disqus account to attach somehow to blogdown. There’s some controversy about disqus - need to know more.


b❆B Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 151): #rstats bookdown + nginx access logs + Rscript + ggplot2 == kindle-like stats for authors https://t.co/EbdiAqVP4S

Jake VanderPlas (@jakevdp; 10): @doug_burke @InvaderXan @playingwithdust I also wrote my recent @OReillyMedia book in Jupyter notebooks: https://t.co/YOvGLm9dxu

I wouldn’t say it’s the best option for “formal” publishing—I’d prefer something closer to rmarkdown / bookdown—but Jupyter certainly worked well enough for me!

Aaron Swoboda (@AaronSwoboda; 0/0): @friscojosh Thanks for all the great work you do and share @ https://t.co/dKvalokh92. Would you mind talking about your process/tools used to produce the first part of the book? Did you stick with bookdown? Find something better? Thanks!

Fco Hdez Torres (@fraherto; 0/0): @AntonioJManzane No se si sigues con lo de la geolocalización y R. Si es así espero que esto te sirva de ayuda. Un abrazo y feliz año https://t.co/2WUcu8JZ7T


Benjamin Gowan (@Benjaming_G; 20): @WireMonkey @kierisi @JennyBryan Also, depending on your output type, I am a big fan of kableExtra::collapse_rows(), can pipe knitr::kable tables right into it! #nifty #itsthesmallthings 😊

Kieran Healy (@kjhealy; 0/0): @joncgoodwin Rmd → [knitr] → md → [pandoc] → docx, with a reference document to set the styles in the output.

joshua 🌐 becker (@joshua_a_becker; 0/0): Using KNITR, Is there any way to get my xtable (or other latex table) to appear exactly where I want in my PDF????

(table.position=‘!h’ does not work nor does chunk option fig.position=‘asis’)