New post: Moving to blogdown Using blogdown and @netlify together gives me the power to publish .Rmd blogs w/ @rstudio and the flexibility to publish .md blogs via iOS - awesome! #rstats



Alex Spurrier (@alspur; 294): New post: Moving to blogdown

Using blogdown and @netlify together gives me the power to publish .Rmd blogs w/ @rstudio and the flexibility to publish .md blogs via iOS - awesome! #rstats

b❆B Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 31): #rstats blogdown folks who also had/have pre-existing Hugo static sites any guides/howtos I can link to for @tpab?

Shamindra Shrotriya (@shamindraas; 30): @ma_salmon @alspur @rweekly_live I just moved to blogdown (with the tuftesque theme by @NicholasStrayer and @LucyStats ) Here is how I set it up with netlify Hope it helps!

Steph Locke (@SteffLocke; 20): @hrbrmstr @tpab

The alternative is to use the preserve_yaml arg for retaining metadata and rending to .md (my preferred option)

Alex Spurrier (@alspur; 10): Reading @xieyihui’s blogdown book and @jsonbecker’s source code was instrumental in helping me figure out how to make the move to Hugo - many thanks!

Anderson Neisse (@a_neisse; 10): @kierisi Yes! Despite it not ending as I wanted because of some unsupported features by blogdown, I enjoyed writing the post. Also, the community has grown a lot, yes! I myself dove into the tidyverse only after joining the community, and it brought so much more than just the tidyverse!

yoni sidi (@yoniceedee; 0/0): @hrbrmstr @tpab Touchy subject … is there an aggregator that supports dynamic hugo content created from blogdown?


b❆B Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 100): For 2018 I also resolved to (finally!) wire up my web access logs to mongo via fluentd (why fluent+mongo? it’s super quick to setup for weblog shunting). Can live-connect to it remotely w/@apachedrill via ssh tunnel to use sergeant & ggplot2 to get live bookdown kindle-stats :-)

ProgrammingWorld (@ProgrammingWrld; 31): A bookdown ‘Hello World’ : Twenty-one (minus two) Recipes for #Mining Twitter with rtweet

Simon Ouderkirk (@saouderkirk; 20): Super helpful piece from @hrbrmstr Twenty-one (minus two) Recipes for Mining Twitter with rtweet - #data #r #rstats

Cruz Julián (@CruzJulian; 10): Rbloggers A bookdown “Hello World” : Twenty-one (minus two) Recipes for Mining Twitter with rtweet #rstats #DataScience

b❆B Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 0/0): @ApacheDrill it def was capturing all the component URLs vs pages. bookdown authors shld def host somewhere they get logs from so they can see what content folks visited the most (if you use google analytics you can drill down to this too)

Yuxing Sun (@SigP226; 0/0): #DataScience #ai #bigdata A bookdown “Hello World” : Twenty-one (minus two) Recipes for Mining Twitter with rtweet


rs-naru (@rsnaru; 20): This is Great!

Create Awesome LaTeX Table with knitr::kable and Contents

Oliver Fisher, MD (@OMaxFisher; 11): Best packages/workflows/scripts/loops for producing #rstats output for non-statisticians to read & 4 making tables etc in medical papers? Re-writing .rmd and #knitr files is lengthy, repetitive and simply tedious. There‘s gotta be a better #r way? @rdpeng @bcaffo

Jim Crozier (@crozierrj; 0/0): @CMastication You can do your latex stuff (like toc) plus knit in lots of different kernels (python, r, scala, others) as chunks. Makes reports with stats and graphics easy. I also do tex stuff outside knitr and just call it in when needed. I’ll put something on github if you’re interested.

Jim Crozier (@crozierrj; 0/0): @CMastication Have you looked at knitr?


Anicet Ebou (@anicetebou; 11): Did you tried one day this famous option in #rstats package xaringan yolo=true? Try it out. One of the best. @xieyihui @kwbroman #xaringan #rstats #Rcats