@xieyihui bookdown made creating a unified, formatted docx (sigh, format required by the journal) —with a very specific journal-provided .dot template — from a multi-author git-collab'd paper —complete with citations — a _very_ pleasant experience. #ty!



R-Ladies Brussels (@RladiesBrussels; 20): …and the final talk is confirmed as well: with R blogdown, making your own website is not that hard and @orchid00 will show us how to do it! See you all on the 25th.

Abiyu Giday (@abiyugiday; 20): There are pkgs and then there are pkgs. Two Thubms up for @xieyihui #blogdown! https://t.co/rrDK1Exb8r #rstas

Tim Raiswell (@timraiswell; 10): New static site built in #blogdown and #Rstudio, and a new post! https://t.co/HfZksgZRC0 #r #DataScience #Analytics

David Selby (@TeaStats; 10): @ma_salmon Haven’t tried blogdown or hugo on Android yet

Thomas Speidel (@ThomasSpeidel; 0/0): Fantastic #blogdown conversion of @f2harrell blog! https://t.co/AwEW1TTNRY https://t.co/lEG2zaGsYx

Austin Wehrwein (@awhstin; 0/0): @dataandme It is unfortunately. Though it is on the list to be re-done but there were a host of changes that broke it, so I left it out when I converted to the blogdown site.


b❆B Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 120): @xieyihui bookdown made creating a unified, formatted docx (sigh, format required by the journal) —with a very specific journal-provided .dot template — from a multi-author git-collab’d paper —complete with citations — a very pleasant experience. #ty!

DeepSingularity (@DeepSingularity; 413): A Bookdown “Hello World” : Twenty-One (Minus Two) Recipes for Mining Twitter with rtweet. #BigData #DataScience #RStats #RLang #Analytics #DataMining #RLadiesGlobal HT @gp_pulipaka https://t.co/JeA2WnziMF https://t.co/DaCZitRZVG

Davis Vaughan (@dvaughan32; 40): @dataandme @eric_bickel @mdancho84 @hadleywickham @kierisi @seankross Maybe we need a prereq to “Happy Git and GitHub for the userR.” Ex) “Happy R and RStudio for humans.” Tackles all common challenges of initial setup, with pictures/videos of different OS’s (not just words). Community updated to stay relevant. Bookdown format.

Ed Berry (@ed_berry; 20): @gokhan_ciflikli I blogged about my experience writing my thesis in bookdown here: https://t.co/fice7atyHy. May be of use 😊

Abiyu Giday (@abiyugiday; 20): There are pkgs and then there are pkgs. Two Thubms up for @xieyihui #blogdown! https://t.co/rrDK1Exb8r #rstas

Paavo Pohndorff (@paavopdf; 10): Should point the the article: https://t.co/EmfUh5yPbe

🌍 Phil (@philmikejones; 10): @gokhan_ciflikli Knowledge of LaTeX will still be helpful because you can include arbitrary code in bookdown which is occasionally necessary when there isn’t a YAML option. It’s all time saved when you come to hand in and you don’t have to manually update all your analyses if one thing changes!

b❆B Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 10): @davidjayharris @xieyihui another: the bookdown HTML “site” preview made it easier to focus on quick preview and review of individual sections vs whole doc.

jobsindata (@jobsindata101; 10): A bookdown “Hello World” : Twenty-one (minus two) Recipes for Mining Twitter with rtweet https://t.co/2HHYPVVk3M #Rbloggers https://t.co/jo3Vxc54u5

sanchezcastro (@SCHZCAS; 0/0): @xieyihui I am huge fan of bookdown!! I will start a paper for the KDD conference. Do you have a .Rmd for the Standard ACM Conference Proceedings Template? Or where can I check the proceedings to upload a latex format? I just bought your book shipping to #Mexico !!! :) https://t.co/0011Ta8ENA

Paavo Pohndorff (@paavopdf; 0/0): More advice on how to write beautiful books with #bookdown. I’m working on my thesis right now and using Rmd and bookdown for reports and final piece https://t.co/Mks3h5k1Ff

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 0/0): @dvaughan32 @eric_bickel @mdancho84 @hadleywickham @kierisi @seankross Out of curiosity, had you searched for something like this previously but Chester’s book didn’t come up? I haven’t looked into it, but I’m curious re. bookdown SEO/search-ability

Gokhan Ciflikli (@gokhan_ciflikli; 0/0): @ChristophMolnar It’s build-in option if you choose to render html output as a GitBook https://t.co/QmgLF0c6Bz

Dave Harris (@davidjayharris; 0/0): @hrbrmstr @xieyihui May I ask what bookdown provided for this over regular r markdown? Haven’t used it much yet


Chuk Plante (@chukpl; 10): @foley_kelly I second this question and am very interested in what people say. There’s knitr, which is like putdocx, but way too complicated for undergrads. I let my students copy and paste their R results into their assignments.

George Mount (@gjmount; 0/0): I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/AMXcgs3js1 Literate Statistical Programming with knitr

Qiita新着bot (@qiita_rss; 0/0): naru-T がQiitaに投稿しました. knitr to PDFでの複雑なテーブル(書体を変更する) R・Knitr https://t.co/SmRksH3UVr

rs-naru (@rsnaru; 0/0): knitr to pdfの際に複雑なテーブルをつくる(書体を変更する) on @Qiita https://t.co/oFI3tUKlUk


☆♡☆OtakuSafadaum☆♡☆ (@GeovannyYukio; 10): MANGURQUIOU XARINGAN https://t.co/K1FIbpFHXW


tj mahr 🍕🍍 (@tjmahr; 32): this post by @xieyihui has a really nice trick for repeating a task indefinitely in #rstats. plus i’m a sucker for recursion https://t.co/hAcBaMK5NY https://t.co/KDmKDXmG06

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 0/0): @ma_salmon Yep, that’s it :) https://t.co/TVcBIVAIdp