annual CA/NV Amphibian Population Task Force #aptf conference underway, great group! gave 2nd presentation using xaringan slides and it has been excellent and easy. Double bonus, can post presentations on my website and refer folks to slides whenever! Thanks @xieyihui! #rstats



Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 20): @xieyihui convinced me to resurrect my blogdown site. After a few sleepless nights it is up and running again! (Not giving up on Medium though. Neither giving up on LinkedIn)

Frans van Dunné (@fransvandunne; 12): Echa un vistazo a este Meetup: Crear Blogs y Websites en R con Blogdown #Meetup #usuariosr #rstatsES via @MeetupES

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @polesasunder @pssGuy @davidjayharris @kwbroman I recommend you to spend a few more minutes on the official documentation; in particular, Section 1.7: I feel you can be quickly lost in the large amount of feedback on Twitter, which is often “conditionally” correct. In short, you rarely need build_site()

Andrew Clark (@pssGuy; 0/0): @davidjayharris @polesasunder @kwbroman @xieyihui I had the same issue blogdown::serve_site() followed by blogdown::hugo_build()

solved it

Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 0/0): TFW something in #blogdown doesn’t work for you, and you spend two days trying to figure it out, and then you get it. @xieyihui


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @polesasunder @pssGuy @davidjayharris @kwbroman I recommend you to spend a few more minutes on the official documentation; in particular, Section 1.7: I feel you can be quickly lost in the large amount of feedback on Twitter, which is often “conditionally” correct. In short, you rarely need build_site()


Pete Mohanty (@petemohanty; 0/0): @daattali @_ColinFay @SteffLocke You prob saw this stack with similar for purl but just in case

Ranty C (@orourke_the; 0/0): @zevross Before learning to use the pipe my R code was a maze of nested functions and/or confusingly named intermediate variables. I feel pipes along with dplyr verbs have immensely cleaned up my code. Especially for reporting in knitr. Don’t understand the pipe haters.

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 0/0): @daattali @SteffLocke And, this has already been documented, of course :)


Ryan Peek (@riverpeek; 52): annual CA/NV Amphibian Population Task Force #aptf conference underway, great group! gave 2nd presentation using xaringan slides and it has been excellent and easy. Double bonus, can post presentations on my website and refer folks to slides whenever! Thanks @xieyihui! #rstats

Jeff Hollister (@jhollist; 30): @riverpeek @xieyihui I’ve used xaringan exclusively for my last 4 or 5 talks. Love it!

Adolfo Álvarez (@adolfoalvarez; 22): TinyTex: a lightweight LaTeX distribution you can install from #rstats