Slides of my #rstudioconf talk on blogdown: Sorry, I have to confess that I lied (apparently) when I said I could type insanely fast with HHKB. The HHKB was not even connected to my laptop... I added the truth to the slides. Enjoy!



Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 6417): Slides of my #rstudioconf talk on blogdown: Sorry, I have to confess that I lied (apparently) when I said I could type insanely fast with HHKB. The HHKB was not even connected to my laptop… I added the truth to the slides. Enjoy!

Emily Robinson (@robinson_es; 271): .@xieyihui disappoints the people by saying there will be no gifs in his blogdown talk but makes up for it by giving us a @kwbroman pic #rstudioconf

Emily Robinson (@robinson_es; 220): Tips for blogdown options for the creator @xieyihui himself. Worth the price of admission to #rstudioconf & I’m giving it away for free 😱

Emily Robinson (@robinson_es; 199): Been meaning to start your own data science blog and work in #rstats? @xieyihui gives some great reasons for why blogging is valuable and the advantages of using blogdown to do so #rstudioconf

Jamie Afflerbach (@jafflerbach; 116): Talk by @xieyihui at #rstudio conf was 💯. “If you read, talk or listen you’ll forget. If you write, you’ll remember.” Time to transfer my site to #blogdown. Also appreciated the @kwbroman photos

Sharon Machlis (@sharon000; 65): If you’d like to create a blog site using #Rstats , you probably want to check out the blogdown package. Slides from pkg creator @xieyihui ’s #rstudioconf presentation:

Tim Mastny (@TimothyMastny; 53): The presentations at #rstudioconf are great! Why not embed them in your blogdown website with one line of code? @xieyihui makes it very simple with knitr #rstats

Emily Robinson (@robinson_es; 51): With blogdown, you can preview your site in rstudio and it will update every time you modify and save your files - @xieyihui #rstudioconf

Tim Mastny (@TimothyMastny; 10): @xieyihui Slides and PDFs are definitely the best kept secret of blogdown. You can even embed them into a blog post!

Jenny Listman (@jblistman; 10): @xieyihui @sharon000 @robinson_es Thank you @xieyihui! I installed blogdown yesterday, so this is perfect timing.

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @Blair09M @taraskaduk Actually I’ve also been looking for the blogdown sticker! I don’t have one myself, either. But I guess I can get one from a colleague. I can grab more if you need more.

James Blair (@Blair09M; 10): @taraskaduk @xieyihui My laptop is too small 😂 so ✂️ must be made (much ♥️ to blogdown though!)

mikefc (@coolbutuseless; 0/1): Combatting #FOMO of #rstudioconf by setting up blogdown.


James Fairbanks (@fairbanksjp; 0/0): @aggieerin @jpeelle You can use Hugo with R markdown perhaps solves it?

Rahul (@rsangole; 0/0): @xieyihui , if you have 5 min sometime today, I have a technical question of getting a feature to work in my blogdown blog. At the #rstudiconf … Cheers!

Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 0/0): .@xieyihui are there any #blogdown stickers? If so, can you save me a few before they’re all gone?! #rstudioconf

Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 0/0): @robinson_es @xieyihui fabulous feature but sometimes hangs. main text of blogdown book alludes to this but the fix for me and my HP laptop was in appendix options(blogdown.hugo.server = c(“-D”, “-F”, “–navigateToChanged”))

mryap 🇸🇬 (@mryap; 0/0): If I could get RStudio Cloud to work with Blogdown, it be great. I do not need an installed RStudio on a PC. Just a a browser.

Ji Huang (@ji_timedreamer; 0/0): link is here:

Ji Huang (@ji_timedreamer; 0/0): spent a day trying to figure out blogdown on Rstudio Server. Turns out I missed this “It works only if you set relativeurls = true in config.toml.“😶

Eric Scott (@LeafyEricScott; 0/0): I just realized that code highlighting isn’t working correctly on my #blogdown site. Any advice on making it work? E.g. underscores being interpreted as italics:


Gail (((Clement))) (@Repositorian; 20): @minebocek Thank you for sharing your great work! We are devising a similar workflow for grad students to author as they go through their program, winding up with a Bookdown thesis. Will share progress — maybe a #rstudioconf 2019 eposter!

Thomas Mock (@thomas_mock; 10): @brad_cannell Also, not sure if you already know about it, but Modern Dive is a fantastic intro to R. Appropriate as an intro to R for Data Science textbook. Free bookdown copy online.

Pablo Casas (@pabloc_ds; 0/0): @souravstat Hmm.. around Ago-2016, curious about starting yours? It’s possible! I highly recommend to use this:

Matt McBee (@TunnelOfFire; 0/0): I’m having a problem with kable inserting random extra spacing between rows when a document is knitted to pdf. Any solutions? #rstats #bookdown

Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 0/0): @robinson_es @xieyihui fabulous feature but sometimes hangs. main text of blogdown book alludes to this but the fix for me and my HP laptop was in appendix options(blogdown.hugo.server = c(“-D”, “-F”, “–navigateToChanged”))


Aaron Williams (@awunderground; 72): “PowerPoint support will be coming very soon [to RMarkdown/library(knitr)].” ~@xieyihui #rstudioconf

Tim Mastny (@TimothyMastny; 53): The presentations at #rstudioconf are great! Why not embed them in your blogdown website with one line of code? @xieyihui makes it very simple with knitr #rstats

Michael Zelenetz (@mzelenetz; 20): @pegleraj @jtrnyc Knitr::kable(data) is an easy way to make nice tables in rmarkdown

Tim Mastny (@TimothyMastny; 10): @xieyihui Slides and PDFs are definitely the best kept secret of blogdown. You can even embed them into a blog post!

BountyBot (@BountyBot; 0/0): Chunk option class.output is not working on Error Message Amt:500 #R #Knitr #RMarkdown #Chunks

BountyBot (@BountyBot; 0/0): Change Border Color of Border on Table- Kable Amt:500 #R #Knitr #Kableextra


Lucy 🌻 (@LucyStats; 91): Finally heard how to pronounce xaringan in @kevin_ushey’s talk! #rstudioconf 🗣 (something like) shar-in-gen 🙌 🔗

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 81): So many ~people~ ninjas with great-looking xaringan slides at #rstudioconf thanks to @xieyihui! Fun tip: with v0.5 you can highlight code lines with a #<< comment. 👀

Andrew Gelé (@ndrewGele; 20): Best thing I’ve learned: There’s an R package called Xaringan lol Thanks #rstudioconf

Thomas gratier (@ThomasG77; 20): @Dat_ARA @joelgombin @samgoeta @datactivi_st PDF généré via Decktape (recette pour l’utiliser dans R La conversion a “pommé” le GIF dans “Au commencement était la statistique” (contenu animé dans PDF…)

kazutan v3.4.3 (@kazutan; 10): @niszet0 ライブプレビューはRの評価があるので無理ですね。mdに関してはxaringanがヒントになるかもしれませんが、個人的にそこまで惹かれないんですよ…。 あっそういえば昔Shinyアプリで見た気がするかも。

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 6417): Slides of my #rstudioconf talk on blogdown: Sorry, I have to confess that I lied (apparently) when I said I could type insanely fast with HHKB. The HHKB was not even connected to my laptop… I added the truth to the slides. Enjoy!

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 81): So many ~people~ ninjas with great-looking xaringan slides at #rstudioconf thanks to @xieyihui! Fun tip: with v0.5 you can highlight code lines with a #<< comment. 👀

Sharon Machlis (@sharon000; 65): If you’d like to create a blog site using #Rstats , you probably want to check out the blogdown package. Slides from pkg creator @xieyihui ’s #rstudioconf presentation:

Michał Małaj (@mawhy; 0/0): See