@hrbrmstr @carroll_jono @kearneymw Update! I have successfully embedded a blogdown book in an R package. Also combined it with pkgdown to host it alongside package documentation. Could be interesting if allowed on CRAN. https://t.co/yJUKOfuCUj https://t.co/VvhXyeTRqy



Davis Vaughan (@dvaughan32; 103): @hrbrmstr @carroll_jono @kearneymw Update! I have successfully embedded a blogdown book in an R package. Also combined it with pkgdown to host it alongside package documentation. Could be interesting if allowed on CRAN. https://t.co/yJUKOfuCUj https://t.co/VvhXyeTRqy

Andrea Cirillo ن (@AndreaCirilloAC; 42): finally up and running my new website developed with great Hugo and Blogdown. thank you @xieyihui! #rstats https://t.co/1OsVorh5Gf https://t.co/AVYx9TgQAE

amit (@VizMonkey; 10): @kierisi Yup. me: Let’s move my blog to blogdown! Me_now: WordPress is so awesome, I didn’t hate you THAT much, did I?

ᵇºʙ ʀ𝚞𝖽ⓘ⒮ (@hrbrmstr; 10): cc: #rstats blogdown folks https://t.co/UdOp8Uwe30

Carl Boettiger (@cboettig; 0/0): @LeahAWasser @GoHugoIO @Netlify Hugo has a bit more learning curve (templating works a bit differently, relies a bit more on file structure too) but very Jekyll-esque. It’s very popular so easy to find help. built on #golang so way easier to install and way faster to run than jekyll. blogdown uses hugo.

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): 結局blogdownの本も買ってしまった(まだ届いていない)し、いったい何を目指しているのだ、僕は。


Youlang Zhang (@zhangyoulang; 10): @carlislerainey https://t.co/DDHOL3yBod


JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 0/0): @jebyrnes this is our bookdown fyi: https://t.co/jjJ554vPTl

TJ Muehleman (@tjmule; 0/0): @TJ__Murphy “bookdown book”?

tj (@TJ__Murphy; 0/0): @tjmule Yes, but it can be a bookdown book. Or a very long medium post. Whatev.

Michael Davie (@MichaelDavie22; 0/0): Create CONSISTENT Revenue on the Net! https://t.co/NGsfoTRNPp https://t.co/ULJL3I2R5s


Earth Lab CU-Boulder (@EarthLabCU; 21): Learn how to create code chunks in R markdown in this lesson by @LeahAWasser & @Neon_sci https://t.co/DZziQGuMVZ #rstats #earthanalytics #datascience #science https://t.co/aVXOo4WYa4

Lauren Ackerman (@VerbingNouns; 20): Wow Okay RMarkdown is Awesome and now I have to learn knitr because What The Heck

Kirby Conrod (@kirbyconrod; 10): @VerbingNouns my partner is working on a knitting project for developer class and I mistook knitr to here be related to that somehow and got so excited

Kévin (@acidburn974; 0/0): “Create PDF reports using R, R Markdown, LaTeX and knitr (on Windows 10)” by @sorenlind https://t.co/bZuAnaR8Y6

Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 0/0): @noamross I guess the environment variable list would just be the content of ?EnvVar along with RStudio and knitr specific ones…


kazutan v3.4.3 (@kazutan; 0/0): xaringanのMetropolisテーマでスライド作ってどこかで発表した気がするのに使った覚えがなく,気になって探してみたらTokyo.Rでariパッケージで作ったアレだった()

kazutan v3.4.3 (@kazutan; 0/0): あっこのスライドxaringanのMetropolisテーマだ(そこか


←これで合格 (@sei0o; 10): https://t.co/K8e05H1mcL こっちを試してみよう