All Hidden Features will Eventually be Discovered @xieyihui #rstats #datascience



Nick Zeng (@zenggyu; 10): @ebovee09 @kierisi I want to write blog posts using rmarkdown, so I am reading the blogdown book.

ellisvalentiner (@ellisvalentiner; 0/0): @ebovee09 I learn by doing so making a website (blogdown) and book (bookdown) keeps me up to date

Christopher Prener (@chrisprener; 0/0): If you’re familiar with R already, blogdown + github pages are also excellent and free!


Nick Zeng (@zenggyu; 10): @ebovee09 @kierisi I want to write blog posts using rmarkdown, so I am reading the blogdown book.

Aetiologic (@aetiologic; 0/0): #bookdown #tidyverse Does anyone have a share-able, example of bookdown (pdf_book or other) source and PDF where text overflows the page margins? I can’t fully share mine with @xieyihui .

ellisvalentiner (@ellisvalentiner; 0/0): @ebovee09 I learn by doing so making a website (blogdown) and book (bookdown) keeps me up to date

Mohamadd Ghassany (@M_Ghass; 0/0): Hi @xieyihui, is there a way to protect with password a published bookdown on a static website (generated by jekyll) ?


Stephen Lienhard (@Stephen_2bike4; 20): @drdrang @eddie_smith With @WorkingCopyApp’s beta you to run cmds on the server via ssh after checking in a file then auto d/loads the resulting files. PDFs d/load auto after compiling. Next test is to use knitr/RMarkdown. Also @texpad is working on live rending of LaTeX on iPad

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 33): All Hidden Features will Eventually be Discovered @xieyihui #rstats #datascience