"Daaamnnn, wish I had thought of that" - every former PhD student reading @xieyihui 's excellent latest blog post https://t.co/FmNrBJN9e8 https://t.co/3wWRrt82wP



R-Ladies Global (@RLadiesGlobal; 118): #rladies here are 2 nice ways to promote your #rstats blog 🔈🔉🔊

Blockchain Pauper (@andrewjdyck; 21): Published my first website using the #rstats blogdown package for my @openfisheries project. Static pages served via GitHub. Fairly painless.

R-Ladies Global (@RLadiesGlobal; 20): @BrettEOry @RladiesRdam see https://t.co/c7YOXT6r0X by @sellorm, featuring quite a few #Rladies blogs!

Rahul (@rsangole; 10): @MilesMcBain @rstudio @hrbrmstr Switch over to using blogdown and netlify!

Robert Lazo (@robertlazo; 0/0): Blogdown! Web sites using R Studiol https://t.co/KdeQckFCdd

Brett Ory (@BrettEOry; 0/0): I’m compiling a list of websites made with #blogdown for the @RladiesRdam meetup on Feb 24. Does anyone have examples to share? @RLadiesGlobal @Rbloggers https://t.co/UNbTkpuEN4


Philipp Bayer (@PhilippBayer; 31): Including Rachael showing off her knitr/bookdown skills! https://t.co/WTNcVPj74P https://t.co/gjOPR6B4Le

Robert Lazo (@robertlazo; 0/0): Blogdown! Web sites using R Studiol https://t.co/KdeQckFCdd

Guillermo de Anda-Jáuregui (@gdeandajauregui; 0/0): Paquetes que me emocionaron hoy: Bookdown, plumbeR, lmdme. Mención especial para newspaper de Python


Martin Wegmann (@m_wegmann; 84): write #knitr #rstats text with graphics - compile it = docx file and a new folder with renamed image files referring to figure number https://t.co/JA7AEROzuU - no tedious manual renaming of images anymore

Philipp Bayer (@PhilippBayer; 31): Including Rachael showing off her knitr/bookdown skills! https://t.co/WTNcVPj74P https://t.co/gjOPR6B4Le

Paul Klemm (@paul_klemm; 20): Mr. @xieyihui has the most awesome way of concealing his mail address I have seen so far. Source: https://t.co/WuMfijBTzg https://t.co/7Ur40EJldE

Remote Sensing Wue (@eo_wuerzburg; 20): our colleague Benjamin Leutner wrote a great #rstats package to #knitr a document and have all image files renamed to the figure number on the file system https://t.co/HdcSty3q8h very handy for writing a book

Martin Wegmann (@m_wegmann; 0/2): need to write and have figures renamed and saved in a new folder? check out this #rstats #knitr package which we also used for our book https://t.co/pOPtTJdtbO https://t.co/JA7AES6ams

Adam Gruer (@AdamGruer; 0/1): Pandoc is a #Haskell library that can read from docx (XML based MS Word files). #knitr , #rmarkdown etc call pandoc. Haskell is one of the many languages I’ve got excited about and ‘done a few tutorials’ in. #rstats PhDers would love a way to bring

Chubby Ex-Slob (@StatsInTheWild; 0/0): out.width is a better knitr option than fig.width. Also, you can do out.width = “80%” which will get you 0.8\linewidth. Brilliant.

Michael J Mahoney (@mmahoney_j; 0/0): Had a really tough time getting started with Knitr until I saw Hadley Wickham’s You Tube video named “Whole Game”. Check it out, lots of good stuff. Great to watch a master at work!


Jessica Minnier (@datapointier; 296): I’m giving a new & improved #rstats #shiny talk today at #CSP2018!

  • tidbits from the amazing things I learned @ #rstudioconf: 📊 viz inference/#nullabor a la @visnut 💫 #shinytest/promises for debugging/speed 👩‍💻 #xaringan w/ #rladies theme!

slides: https://t.co/UbY86lb3rj

Jessica Minnier (@datapointier; 10): @tladeras @pdxrlang Thanks!! I moved over to the dark side (of the xaringan 🌚). Fun stuff.

Matt Worthington (@mrworthington; 0/0): @ClausWilke any idea about how to change the grid background in cowplot to match xaringan slide background color? I can’t crack it.

plot <- ggdraw() + draw_plot(Map + theme(legend.justification = “bottom”), …) + draw_plot(inset + theme(legend.justification = “top”), …) https://t.co/7SJdMJpUbP


Myfanwy Johnston (@Voovarb; 395): “Daaamnnn, wish I had thought of that” - every former PhD student reading @xieyihui ’s excellent latest blog post https://t.co/FmNrBJN9e8 https://t.co/3wWRrt82wP

Salifyanji Aaron (@asimumba21; 11): Wow, this is a must read #rstats https://t.co/vsw5HuJHjp