Tip for new #blogdown users: lots of folks transferred their site's @github repo to #rbind- you can browse them all in one place, and see how other people use themes and bend them to their liking! https://t.co/uMEVQkO3tg https://t.co/3nwBN9nSa7



Alison Hill (@apreshill; 419): Tip for new #blogdown users: lots of folks transferred their site’s @github repo to #rbind- you can browse them all in one place, and see how other people use themes and bend them to their liking! https://t.co/uMEVQkO3tg https://t.co/3nwBN9nSa7

Jeno Pal (@paljenczy; 54): Why do we need both validation and test sets after all? - new post on my blog. #rstats #blogdown https://t.co/S5MHTCwhm2

JonTheGeek (@JonTheGeek; 21): I just spent about 2 hrs playing around with #blogdown themes before deciding I liked the default lithium better than any of the ones I tried. Progress? #rstats

Nick Zeng (@zenggyu; 10): @umairdurrani87 Congratulations! I also rebuilt my blog using #blogdown recently. This book is really helpful! https://t.co/nYcCOILPoP

JonTheGeek (@JonTheGeek; 0/0): Thanks for the great metablog, @apreshill! I successfully used https://t.co/MpgkTBkudn to get up and running today at https://t.co/c9BuvXoHpc #rstats

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @ShKlinkenberg @hadleywickham @github Depends from user to user- some use github pages, others use Netlify ( the blogdown book has a section on deployment: https://t.co/pMlJKKj3Dx)

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): 図表を多用したいのでblogdownで頑張るの巻。まぁ3月中にはなんとか…。

Dr. Erin Buchanan (@aggieerin; 0/0): @jvcasill Thanks! #blogdown made building that stupidly easy. Converting from html and php to markdown was a good idea. 👍


Joshua Rosenberg (@jrosenberg6432; 20): @spgreenhalgh @html034 got me setup to use bookdown and .Rmd for my dissertation. He submitted his dissertation as a rendered bookdown file (a series of .Rmd files!). A bit high stakes, but so far, it’s nice having the code integrated with text. And really nice to write in markdown.

Nick Zeng (@zenggyu; 10): @umairdurrani87 Congratulations! I also rebuilt my blog using #blogdown recently. This book is really helpful! https://t.co/nYcCOILPoP

Melinda Higgins (@mhiggins2000; 0/1): @xieyihui #rstats #bookdown https://t.co/YBRHcECNV5

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @ShKlinkenberg @hadleywickham @github Depends from user to user- some use github pages, others use Netlify ( the blogdown book has a section on deployment: https://t.co/pMlJKKj3Dx)

Michael Davie (@MichaelDavie22; 0/0): Create CONSISTENT Revenue on the Net! https://t.co/NGsfoTRNPp https://t.co/dHeJEWoBmV


Robert Iquiapaza (@riquiapaza; 10): The goal of kableExtra is to help you build common complex tables and manipulate table styles #HTML #LATEX #Rstudio #knitr https://t.co/bQT0WMa1eA


Claus Ekstrøm (@ClausEkstrom; 20): Yay! @xieyihui added a twist of hygge to #xaringan. https://t.co/lkxMqIsXBc

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: MSCMT rgdax xaringan https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats

Captain Splatter, USN (ret) (@znmeb; 0/0): Presentation Ninja https://t.co/tLlzsqjYMA via @apreshill #rstats


Philipp Bayer (@PhilippBayer; 30): I’ve read this three times by now and I keep thinking about it, not only in-detail description of a crisis, but lots of stuff to unpack for current and future supervisors as well! https://t.co/TMcWC58MCf from @xieyihui

Captain Splatter, USN (ret) (@znmeb; 0/0): Presentation Ninja https://t.co/tLlzsqjYMA via @apreshill #rstats

stephen carnagua (@StephenCarnagua; 0/0): Has implications for any platform with lots of new users. Good post by @xieyihui https://t.co/luAkuHaTdA

Choi Shing Wan (@shing_wan; 0/0): A painful transition of a fresh PhD from academia to industry, and from selfish open-source to product-oriented… https://t.co/aug8LKlwHr

Chris Tang (@Chris__Tang; 0/0): Yihui Xie @ RStudio: My Early Career Crisis (2014 - 2015) A painful transition of a fresh PhD from academia to industry, and from selfish open-source to product-oriented… https://t.co/3emE19F45K INSPIRATIONAL!

Antonello Pareto (@AntoViral; 0/0): “Everyone makes mistakes. The main difference is that successful people learn from them and unsuccessful people don’t.”
