@romain_francois @kevin_ushey I expressed pretty much the same feeling in the comment to Kevin's post. UTF8 everywhere will save us from a hell of trouble. Go does it. Pandoc does it. My biggest regret in knitr was the `encoding` argument. I really shouldn't have provided it.



Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 20): @phoebewong2012 @DrJMLuther @rstatsbot1234 thank you! you can definitely do plotly but i’m not sure about shiny! some googling indicates maybe? (https://t.co/njdwoxBmBx https://t.co/U7vbzirN6i?) but definitely not something i’ve done before

Lucas A. Meyer (@RealLucasMeyer; 10): And in the end, choosing the Hugo Academic theme anyway #blogdown https://t.co/DjWQoTBQpH

Dorian Gray (@GrayAnalyst; 10): @thomas_mock blogdown has serve_site () which will then previews the file in the viewer (same pane as plots and help). Bit of ovrhead though

Phoebe Wong (@phoebewong2012; 10): @sharlagelfand @DrJMLuther @rstatsbot1234 I believe I was visualizing something like this when I asked the question: https://t.co/icXIbJAtVt and wondering if it’s possible to host like a combination of shiny and plotly in #blogdown

Phoebe Wong (@phoebewong2012; 10): @sharlagelfand @DrJMLuther @rstatsbot1234 Yes! Ha! I was told that blogdown is only for static content, therefore, plotly isn’t supported. Looks like that’s not the case! Thanks for sharing, that is very cool visualization (and detailed explanation of the code as well!)

Jenna Allen (@jallen1006; 0/1): #rstats #blogdown blog is live!! First post uses the #tidyverse and what I learned from @DataCamp to wrangle #collegescorecard and #collegefootball data! https://t.co/UF7KBNRJuq

Urban Demographics (@UrbanDemog; 0/1): @rblourenco Start a blog :) There dozens of good and free platforms out there. I’ve heard a few #rstats people recommending #blogdown https://t.co/z9F4rC5En8 and simply wordpress

GoHugo 🔥TOP🔥BOT🔥 (@hugo_top_bot; 0/0): Is it possible to create a Rmd file template for the blogdown “new post” addin? https://t.co/xsYbIFTr7D


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 50): @romain_francois @kevin_ushey I expressed pretty much the same feeling in the comment to Kevin’s post. UTF8 everywhere will save us from a hell of trouble. Go does it. Pandoc does it. My biggest regret in knitr was the encoding argument. I really shouldn’t have provided it.

Earth Lab CU-Boulder (@EarthLabCU; 0/2): Get up to speed with the basics of R Markdown in this tutorial https://t.co/CuQ93Fb3vm #rstats #earthanalytics #datascience #science https://t.co/PsQbhTU1ma

Avraham Adler (@AvrahamAdler; 0/0): @Mykenk_Actuary Your choices are:

  • Rmd
  • Knitr/Sweave + LaTeX

Otherwise go home.

Mark Hogue (@thorgamma; 0/0): @nicoleradziwill So, like this?

title: “Untitled

output: html_document

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

R Markdown

Acknowledgements here?

{r cars} summary(cars)


thinkR (@thinkR_fr; 12): #RStats — A Twist of Hygge in xaringan : https://t.co/GGmPcsCLMH

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/2): A Twist of Hygge in xaringan @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/iR7UzQWTSx


thinkR (@thinkR_fr; 12): #RStats — A Twist of Hygge in xaringan : https://t.co/GGmPcsCLMH

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/2): A Twist of Hygge in xaringan @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/iR7UzQWTSx