R Blogdown Setup in GitHub (2) https://t.co/cVmJicpEdU #rstats #DataScience



R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 198): R Blogdown Setup in GitHub (2) https://t.co/cVmJicpEdU #rstats #DataScience

Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 190): it’s Monday afternoon and I know you’re looking for something to help you procrastinate a little bit - why not learn how to add GIFs to your blogdown site using imgur and GIPHY?

h/t to @dataandme for suggesting imgur to begin with!

https://t.co/bBDEvxHeg9 https://t.co/bRd7R7LbSa

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 183): Thanks to @kierisi and @dataandme 👯‍♂️: updated the #blogdown demo post with examples for how to include online GIFs ➕ how to make new ones using R: https://t.co/9e9mMEuTQM #rstats https://t.co/JoNLN9ocZs

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 41): @kierisi @dataandme Also did you try figure captions? https://t.co/e7KdYv2FAU

Mareviv (@maureviv; 41): Finally I updated the set-up of my #blogdown blog & the How to! 📐🖌️ https://t.co/CRQTiqXKz8 https://t.co/r41AUoPMSF

Romain François 🦄 (@romain_francois; 31): Any guidelines to drop a #pkgdown in a sub folder of a #blogdown site ?

Or is the convention to use subdomains like {pkg}.tidyverse.org and {pkg}.r-lib.org ?

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 20): @romain_francois I’d recommend using a subdomain, but you can certainly render the pkgdown site to the static/ directory of a blogdown site.

Ed Tech (@HolyCrossEdTech; 0/0): R Blogdown Setup in GitHub https://t.co/cCSyOztiCF #edtech

Cruz Julián (@CruzJulian; 0/0): Rbloggers R Blogdown Setup in GitHub (2) https://t.co/CAp4pdHCpv #rstats #DataScience

Corey Sparks (@CoreySparks1; 0/0): R Blogdown Setup in GitHub (2) https://t.co/puScZpS2lC via @Rbloggers

Data Geek (@datascigeek; 0/0): R Blogdown Setup in GitHub (2) https://t.co/AdqCSMBYnS #r #statistics #data science

Afelio Padilla (@AfelioP; 0/0): “R Blogdown Setup in GitHub (2)” https://t.co/NO9E7U8qOs #bigdata #feedly

Nitish Shekhar (@nitzrulzx412; 0/0): R Blogdown Setup in GitHub (2) https://t.co/QHcbNLEhWt

Chandan Kumar (@Chandanrtcs; 0/0): R Blogdown Setup in GitHub (2) https://t.co/87V1qoab2Y

Deepak Taneja (@DeepakTaneja86; 0/0): R Blogdown Setup in GitHub (2) https://t.co/KOcsOFLBf1

Thomas Hütter (@DerFredo; 0/0): Posted by mareviv, now on R-bloggers: R Blogdown Setup in GitHub (2) #rstats https://t.co/adgriN5JdY


Chris (@krissianyo; 0/0): Necessity is the mother of invention, I do agree with this statement 101%

bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown https://t.co/jN182QfaJq

مافيش فايدة ⭕ (@islamelkharat; 0/0): تحميل كتاب العمارة العربية الإسلامية ماضيها وحاضرها ومستقبلها https://t.co/RgrqyhPW99

Taipei University (@NTPU1949; 0/0): 高中升學的選擇,並不只是選校或選系如此的簡單,事實上,學生的興趣以及未來社會的發展,都將是升學選擇中的重要因素;除此之外,在進入大學之後,要如何在大學階段得到足夠的成長,也取決於一開始對大學的環境認知與學習態度是否正確。為此,… https://t.co/GFuls3gGB7


Norbert Köhler (@mizzenhead; 32): R Markdown: How to place two tables side by side using knitr and kableExtra #rstats #DataScience https://t.co/SIMnNOzHd4

Brandyn Lucca (@brandynlucca; 0/0): @emilyhmarkowitz @TaraEDolan I honestly think that is a department-specific thing since NASA, for example, uses LaTeX (they even have a help page for it). And HTML/Asciidoc do work via knitr in Rmd AFAIK.

AIBigDataCloudIoTBot (@ClouDatAI; 0/0): Sumana_RajaDynamic Documents with R and knitr (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series): https://t.co/BAYoGDv7Gx Quantum AI Big/Small/0 Data Cloud/Fog Computing OutLook from ClouData & Multiverse - https://t.co/cnCBNJvu6T

Apothicaire Amoureux (@PotardDechaine; 0/0): En parallèle vous écrivez le texte de votre article ou votre rapport. Puis vous générez votre document (pdf, word) grâce à R (librairie knitr). https://t.co/fEKWejYJBw


Nan-Hung Hsieh (@nanhung5; 20): Just made the #tamu presentation template for #rstats #xaringan package. It’s now a built-in theme!😎 https://t.co/F23pPfkr7u


k-kawa (@pm23456789; 10): Perhaps unlike other procrastinators, I could confidently say that I didn’t waste my time. I rarely spend time on entertainment (TV, games, or parties, etc). I actually work extremely hard, to a degree that you probably cannot imagine: see how many GIT … https://t.co/mSaOjBoXW2

Хашаа (@d_khashaa; 0/1): My Early Career Crisis (2014 - 2015) - Yihui Xie https://t.co/yykVffI6uB