For anyone who hasn't ๐Ÿ‘€, the blogdown demo site is a must-visit! ๐Ÿ‘ @xieyihui , @apreshill @ProQuesAsker "A minimal example website using blogdown" #rstats #blogdown



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 5611): For anyone who hasn’t ๐Ÿ‘€, the blogdown demo site is a must-visit! ๐Ÿ‘ @xieyihui , @apreshill @ProQuesAsker “A minimal example website using blogdown” #rstats #blogdown

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 224): OK y’all, file paths for data files in #blogdown, h/t @dataandme and @mmmpork #rstats

Keith Lyons (@520507; 41): #cssia18 learning portfolio: Blogdown example ht @dataandme

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 40): @xieyihui @mmmpork @apreshill @kierisi It’s so easy to get sucked down a (fun) rabbit hole thoughโ€ฆ The blogdown code is incredibly readable, so ๐Ÿ™ thank you thank you for that!

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 31): @mmmpork @apreshill @kierisi @dataandme That is totally fine to me. As I said in the blogdown book, there are very legitimate reasons to use rmarkdown::render_site(): You don’t have to wrestle with Hugo. Use whatever works for you.

Amber Thomas (@ProQuesAsker; 10): Ah this is so great!

I’ve often wondered if it’s more efficient to have a separate GitHub repo per project and have my blogdown site pull in the CSV from that repo (as opposed to keeping the CSVs from lots of different projects all on my site itself). Love seeing these options!

Andrew MacDonald (@polesasunder; 0/1): #blogdown question : I’m updating my github repo, and netlify is deploying, but the website won’t show any new posts! has that ever happened to you? #rstats

Miguel Bento (@theporra; 0/0): @londonaesthetik Congrats, and great post. My domain is setup, just working on the blogdown structure and have started writing my first post (also an origin story ๐Ÿ˜Š)


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 31): @mmmpork @apreshill @kierisi @dataandme That is totally fine to me. As I said in the blogdown book, there are very legitimate reasons to use rmarkdown::render_site(): You don’t have to wrestle with Hugo. Use whatever works for you.


Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 104): Ok so I might have found a way to insert neo4J results inside an RMarkdown. #RStats #Neo4J #knitr

Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 90): not only did @_omahdi find a small bug in knitr, he opened a GH issue, filed a PR, and learned about reprex()! in his words, “this awesome community and the February challenge encouraged me to share my findings and turn them into a little contribution instead” ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 10): @Chucheria Yep, knitr engines are amazingly customizable (knitr never ceases to amaze me), and you can mimic almost any command line tool, so cypher is doable :)

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 0/0): @Chucheria This engine is simply wrapping up the chunk code inside a system call to cypher, with the cypher-shell bin path, user name and password given as knitr options. I’ll ๐Ÿ“ฆ this up in a few ๐Ÿ™ƒ

่ทๆฅญใ€ใ‚คใ‚ฑใƒกใƒณใ€‚Nagi Teramo (@teramonagi; 0/0): rmadkwodnใจknitrใฎ้•ใ„ใŒใ‚ใ‹ใฃใฆใชใ„โ€ฆ


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): Sad to miss this- but if I know @old_man_chester some #xaringan slides will surely surface shortly after ๐Ÿค“

Sylvain Lapoix (@SylvainLapoix; 10): @badnetworker You know you can do all that with #Rstats + #ggplot2 + #xaringan right ? #Rtrolling

Metamathan (@metamathan; 0/0): The TAMU Theme for xaringan #statistics

Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 20): @jgendrinal @AlexaLFH @rstatsbot1234 This recent pkg by @xieyihui might help with updating your latex:

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 10): @emilyhmarkowitz @rstatsbot1234 It is a tiny install of LaTeX. Everything you do with LaTeX, you can do with Tiny text. Using latexmk , it’ll download the necessary packages to compile your document. Check @xieyihui ’s blog for more information. ๐Ÿ˜Š

L. Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 0/0): @lorenzwalthert Looks like you might appreciate this blog post where I did the opposite: one PR for multiple things ๐Ÿ˜”