I wrote a post about getting myself from 0 to slide deck in #xaringan using the great resources out there, hopefully this helps others! https://t.co/FwbZBQDAPu (The code snippets don’t scroll in mobile, I think...but the slides seem to render - at least on iPhone) #rstats https://t.co/f29TnRPxYK



Boryana (@boryanakis; 71): @ctitusbrown @olgabot I am using blogdown to set up my own website, and it’s pretty great. The academic theme is fantastic for researchers.

Chase Clark (@ChaseClarkatUIC; 43): #blogdown post #2: Beyond Rstats -> Rgames A completely ridiculous, interactive version of Pong, written in R https://t.co/vw7EUPKMDX #rstats #shiny #ggvis https://t.co/t7FXVRqgD6

niszet* (@niszet0; 10): https://t.co/VbfbO0M2Bt

Romain François 🦄 (@romain_francois; 10): @privefl @github @travisci @_ColinFay I think it is easier to 🛠 on that someone’s machine.

Otherwise, you might be able to build a #drat or something and ⬆️ it to @Netlify (perhaps as part of #blogdown) from within @travisci, so that install.packages work.

Michał Małaj (@mawhy; 0/0): Im więcej poznaję bibliotekę Shiny pomyślałem że tak naprawdę w większości przypadków klientom nie będą potrzebne… https://t.co/zIjm5ms8HP

GoHugo 🔥TOP🔥BOT🔥 (@hugo_top_bot; 0/0): How do I get my blogdown blog on R-Bloggers? https://t.co/CMpJmjRRQA

Thomas Mailund (@ThomasMailund; 0/0): @coolbutuseless I have baseURL set but still have issues with blogdown. Not Hugo alone. Neither set image URLs correctly. Will look at it again later


かつどん (@nozma; 95): mlrのアレはbookdown使ってまとめたやつもあります > mlrパッケージチュートリアル - https://t.co/nPN52kjstL

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 50): @TunnelOfFire I’m glad to know that we feel the same: I have started writing my third book with bookdown :) Good luck with your book!

Michał Małaj (@mawhy; 0/0): Im więcej poznaję bibliotekę Shiny pomyślałem że tak naprawdę w większości przypadków klientom nie będą potrzebne… https://t.co/zIjm5ms8HP

Peter Baumgartner (@pbaumgartner; 0/0): 4. (Grafiken) https://t.co/mhmGGVDqyv und 5 Teil (Tabellen) https://t.co/imfn5KUzjH des Cross Media Lehrgangs #cmp_tutorial mit #bookdown sind veröffentlicht. #rstats

Olalla Díaz-Yáñez (@Olalla; 0/0): @multivac42 Estoy escribiendo las cosas en un bookdown. Cuando tenga un poco más de forma si quieres te lo paso (ahora me da un poco de vergüencitis)

Matt McBee (@TunnelOfFire; 0/0): For posterity:

bookdown::pdf_book: keep_tex: true

The colon after pdf_book is required.


TeX Stack Exchange (@StackTeX; 0/0): Can you answer this? colour R code in listings with knitr theme defined in \lstset{} https://t.co/vAGqj1GJIm #color


Larie (@lariebyrd; 186): I wrote a post about getting myself from 0 to slide deck in #xaringan using the great resources out there, hopefully this helps others!


(The code snippets don’t scroll in mobile, I think…but the slides seem to render - at least on iPhone) #rstats https://t.co/f29TnRPxYK

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 10): Yup, adding #<< or wrapping the line in {{...}} both work in xaringan (so presentations, not regular markdown). https://t.co/ehIFG3ANXG https://t.co/eNRCHhsNTs

Joseph V. Casillas (@jvcasill; 10): @paulvanderlaken @rstatsbot1234 That will work in #xaringan

Marie Dussault 💀 (@londonaesthetik; 10): @lariebyrd Awesome! I just learnt Xaringan as well!

kossy (@ksmzn; 0/0): xaringan しっかり使えるようになっとかないと

Yuya MATSUMURA (@y__mattu; 0/0): reveljs とか xaringan でスライド作るとコード部分がありえないくらい小さくなる(地の文も小さい)ので自前のcssをあててるくらいだし


Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 10): Yup, adding #<< or wrapping the line in {{...}} both work in xaringan (so presentations, not regular markdown). https://t.co/ehIFG3ANXG https://t.co/eNRCHhsNTs