oh my GOODNESS, look at all these different statistical analyses worked out and explained with code 😂😱🤓 #rstats ! bookdown! SEM! Hierarchical models! https://t.co/w33yCtEVAs https://t.co/b9GoR9nTR6



L. Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 206): Check my new blogdown post about the Insert Image @rstudio addin. Should make your life easier if you like to add screenshots and non-R images in your #blogdown posts #rstats https://t.co/nLSd197yhM Thanks to @xieyihui for guiding me in the PR and improving the code! R: >= v0.5.7 https://t.co/j0TksxbfDX

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 1611): blogdown Insert Image addin https://t.co/acmFfioe8d #rstats #DataScience

Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 64): Alright! Launch time! Blogging through #blogdown in #rstats ! Today, plotting gamm’s in #ggplot2. Thanks to @dmi3k for pointer to #itsadug ! https://t.co/8tH6s2k0YU

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 45): blogdown archetype (template) https://t.co/veNbq2wZdQ #rstats #DataScience

Justin (@SaltedPorkkk; 44): #100DaysOfCode Day 5: Mucking around with #rstats #blogdown, aiming to learn how to blog and then blog a blog about learning how to blog #metaisbeta 🤙🤙🧙‍♂️

L. Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 30): Do you frequently write #blogdown posts? Maybe you should have an archetype file (template) that includes some of your favorite R code like devtools::session_info(), etc. Check https://t.co/DvYmGT3Lgx #rstats menu shows up in New Post @rstudio addin (requires 📦version >= 0.5.6) https://t.co/IJFZ8H26ps

Thomas Hütter (@DerFredo; 0/1): Posted by Fellgernon Bit - rstats, now on R-bloggers: blogdown archetype (template) #rstats https://t.co/Z4MPgXtCir

Nick Zeng (@zenggyu; 0/0): @fellgernon @rstudio @xieyihui Great work! I’ve also struggled with the way images are embedded in #blogdown. And for those interested, here’s some additional information. https://t.co/FIMPBTCN9L

Data Geek (@datascigeek; 0/0): blogdown archetype (template) https://t.co/n260DafVsF #r #statistics #data science

Deborah Tannon (@DeborahTannon; 0/0): #RStats —blogdown archetype (template) : https://t.co/imZqh0obva

Gaurav Tyagi (@GauravTyagi81; 0/0): blogdown archetype (template) https://t.co/IquZlhE2mL

Data Analytics Geeks (@DataAnalyticsGH; 0/0): blogdown archetype (template) #RBloggers https://t.co/70Nvt4IPET

Pierre DeBois - Zimana Digital Analytics Services (@ZimanaAnalytics; 0/0): From R-Bloggers - blogdown archetype (template) https://t.co/nwekcjOW8t

Chandan Kumar (@Chandanrtcs; 0/0): blogdown archetype (template) https://t.co/Oomh9hRiIF

Deepak Taneja (@DeepakTaneja86; 0/0): blogdown archetype (template) https://t.co/9K7gqL7k8k


Andrew MacDonald (@polesasunder; 411137): oh my GOODNESS, look at all these different statistical analyses worked out and explained with code 😂😱🤓 #rstats ! bookdown! SEM! Hierarchical models! https://t.co/w33yCtEVAs https://t.co/b9GoR9nTR6

Darren L Dahly (@statsepi; 144): This kind of stuff is just amazing, thanks @robjhyndman https://t.co/wqvb1oKFKE #bookdown https://t.co/zkRe07OgHu

G. Elliott Morris📈🤷‍♂️ (@gelliottmorris; 60): I think I found my next big project: an online bookdown() on election forecasting. What they are, where they came from, how to read them, & how to make them (modern approaches & statistical tools: stochastic processes, regression, MRP etc). Ideas welcome:

G. Elliott Morris📈🤷‍♂️ (@gelliottmorris; 0/0): @BradSpahn well, an R guide (bookdown() ) but yes why not

クロネル@まーさん (@chroneru_mineru; 0/0): bookdownかslideで、スライド多くなりそうだったらgithubにまとめる


Heather Piwowar (@researchremix; 10): Reproducable research/Literate programming for the win, helps so much (knitr etc). Also, yes, the data behind this paper on Data Archiving was not properly archived :( Was one of my first papers – I did a lot better on that front in later papers!

Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 0/0): here’s an insane fnxnI wrote a while ago to save a bunch of stuff for a complex project. totally reflects how confused I’d gotten about R & knitr’s file structure logic https://t.co/BbE1zwBJh8

koguus (@koguus; 0/0): Rmdファイルを使い始めたのだけど、さっそく作業ディレクトリが.Rprojのあるディレクトリになってなくてキレそうになった。setup chunkの中でknitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file()) と唱えればいいのね。。。自動で記入してくれまじで


Joseph V. Casillas (@jvcasill; 40): @GoldbergData @rstatsbot1234 #xaringan

Joseph V. Casillas (@jvcasill; 10): @GoldbergData @rstatsbot1234 There’s lots of good info and a wiki here: https://t.co/L6nSmWa1T2

Joseph V. Casillas (@jvcasill; 10): @GoldbergData @rstatsbot1234 Github can be used to host static websites. #xaringan generates an html file from Rmd so essentially it’s a website. I save my slides in github repos and access them using a web browser for presentations, but you don’t have to if you prefer to carry it manually like a ppt.

Joshua Goldberg (@GoldbergData; 10): @jvcasill @rstatsbot1234 By the way, do you find it difficult to take xaringan presentations offline to someone else’s computer?


Raniere Silva (@rgaiacs; 11): .@annakrystalli did you see https://t.co/HhTPKMSRtS ? When are you going to work again on our #rstats user group website project again?