For people in the future who want to create a Netlify/blogdown website w/ new themes You will likely need an environmental variable for your hugo version, or else spend time in the pit of misery (aka why won't my site go live!) THANK YOU @dataandme !!!



Thomas Mock (@thomas_mock; 253): For people in the future who want to create a Netlify/blogdown website w/ new themes

You will likely need an environmental variable for your hugo version, or else spend time in the pit of misery (aka why won’t my site go live!)

THANK YOU @dataandme !!!

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 60): @thomas_mock Yeah, this is 100% in the blogdown book, but I find blog posts for little things like this to be super helpful because, well, sometimes we (cough I cough) forget to look at the main resource!

LIBD R stats (@LIBDrstats; 24): Are you starting a community blog? You can do so with #blogdown by @xieyihui from @rstudio. In this post @fellgernon describes the setup specific to our club that you can adapt for your community blog. #rstats

Juan S. Mayorga (@juansmayorga; 0/0): @xieyihui @pachamaltese @hadleywickham @rstudio @xieyihui is prettydoc compatible with blogdown? I’m having trouble building my website with a new prettydoc blog post.


Rob J Hyndman (@robjhyndman; 10): @GueyeNono Yes. Bookdown is awesome. It makes the task so much easier.

Iñaki Úcar (@Enchufa2; 0/1): Does anyone know how to produce a PDF/A document with bookdown? #rstats

Ghislain Nono Gueye (@GueyeNono; 0/0): @robjhyndman Did you make it with bookdown?


Søren L Kristiansen (@sorenlind; 0/0): I just published “Create PDF reports using R, R Markdown, LaTeX and knitr (on macOS High Sierra)”


kazutan v3.4.3 (@kazutan; 10): 自分がカスタマイズしたxaringanテンプレの使い方がわからなくて心が折れそう