and @thomas_mock has joined the blogdown crowd, built a website, and started blogging, crediting tutorials and guides from @JonTheGeek, @apreshill, and @londonaesthetik for his success! ✍️💯🎉



Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 71): and @thomas_mock has joined the blogdown crowd, built a website, and started blogging, crediting tutorials and guides from @JonTheGeek, @apreshill, and @londonaesthetik for his success! ✍️💯🎉

Michael Fop (@michael_fop; 60): Finally found the time to refresh my website! Created via #rstudio with #blogdown from @xieyihui and some personal tweaks. Attention: contains pandas

Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 60): check out @wytham88’s first blog post (using blogdown), where he uses rvest to scrape PI information from the NIH website, in order to learn more about the intramural program ❤️👩‍🔬⚛️


Robin Donatello (@norcalbiostat; 10): just successfully navigated my way through undoing a mistaken #git commit while rebuilding my #bookdown notebook that I borked WITHOUT having to burn it all down #winning

Peter Baumgartner (@pbaumgartner; 0/1): @m_andrasch @SeLeProjekt @stephenoutram @pressbooks Danke, das interessiert mich sehr, weil ich mich gerade mit Cross Media Publishing beschäftige, siehe meinen Kurs zu R/RStudio und #bookdown #rstats

Jason Craggs (@jason_craggs; 0/0): @PieRatio @dataandme @hadleywickham @rstudio @JeffRouder Bookdown = ✅ Swirl sound like a reasonable approach. Can one use their data with swirl? #Rstats


Vincent Nijs (@vrnijs; 0/0): @yake_84 @JennyBryan Not sure exactly what you are asking. See Alternatively, look at

Dick Batka (@Doctor_Dick_MD; 0/0): @dataandme - Come across any way to get #TufteHandout into a HTML Presentation with #knitr and #rmarkdown ?? (#slidify did not work)

Pierre Casadebaig (@pircasa; 0/0): @G_Devailly Je crois que je créateur de knitr a également craqué sur les installations LaTeX - il a dev. cette solution :


Nick Strayer (@NicholasStrayer; 0/0): @Doctor_Dick_MD @dataandme hmm, there’s not a way I’m immediately aware of, that being said seems like it could be hacked into xaringan with custom css.

Pierre Casadebaig (@pircasa; 0/0): @G_Devailly Je crois que je créateur de knitr a également craqué sur les installations LaTeX - il a dev. cette solution :