💫 how-to for making your #blogdown social-friendly: "Socialize your blogdown" by @xvrdm https://t.co/36l9ANI7aH #rstats #opengraph https://t.co/15DfqjgZuI



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 6812): 💫 how-to for making your #blogdown social-friendly: “Socialize your blogdown” by @xvrdm https://t.co/36l9ANI7aH #rstats #opengraph https://t.co/15DfqjgZuI

Juan Carlos (@villasenor_jc; 13): If you like the awesome global network of transnational fisheries in the paper, check out @juansmayorga’s blogpost about how he created this figure: https://t.co/ayUJCwBJHK #rstats #blogdown

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @M_Ghass @daattali and don’t forget that blogdown works with Jekyll, too https://t.co/tMZ3s54DlH https://t.co/DNqDPShJ0I

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @M_Ghass @daattali Someone has ported it to Hugo, so yes, you can use it with blogdown: https://t.co/KlPfhRcD0T

Matt Worthington (@mrworthington; 10): Huge shoutout to the #rstats community. It’s been in the works for awhile, but I’ve just finished a website built with #blogdown. Shoutout to @vivalosburros for the design inspiration. For my first post, my testimony before the Texas Commission on Public School Finance! #txed

BountyBot (@BountyBot; 0/0): kable table not properly rendering on website https://t.co/kk1oeOCF84 Amt:500 #Css #R #RMarkdown #Blogdown

Dean Attali (@daattali; 0/0): @M_Ghass @xieyihui To be honest I never looked at blogdown, even though everybody is talking about it… If it makes sense I’d love a PR

Mohamadd Ghassany (@M_Ghass; 0/0): @daattali Will you make it available with blogdown ? cc @xieyihui


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @M_Ghass @daattali and don’t forget that blogdown works with Jekyll, too https://t.co/tMZ3s54DlH https://t.co/DNqDPShJ0I

Mauricio García Tec (@mauriciogtec; 0/0): multi-bookdown: multiple bookdowns for different purposes/audiences that share content https://t.co/r5BAjMzpcB


Rusian (@KazeRusian; 30): Tengo 4 ovas pendientes de ReVida y estoy de camino al gimnasio, he fallado como otaku voy a renunciar a mi xaringan


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @M_Ghass @daattali and don’t forget that blogdown works with Jekyll, too https://t.co/tMZ3s54DlH https://t.co/DNqDPShJ0I