Excited to launch the #WiscWeeds blog (still under construction): https://t.co/UfqGXWKE45 & introduce the new members of the WiscWeeds program: https://t.co/u28H7MM9hs … Thanks @maxwelco for the challenge/assistance & @rstudio @GoHugoIO @github #blogdown @georgecushen @xieyihui https://t.co/Ib9inrIB6n



Rodrigo Werle (@WiscWeeds; 98): Excited to launch the #WiscWeeds blog (still under construction): https://t.co/UfqGXWKE45 & introduce the new members of the WiscWeeds program: https://t.co/u28H7MM9hs … Thanks @maxwelco for the challenge/assistance & @rstudio @GoHugoIO @github #blogdown @georgecushen @xieyihui https://t.co/Ib9inrIB6n

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 81): @sckottie Sure. https://t.co/o2zrGuzT7a

Rob Weyant (@RobWeyant; 22): Xioasong Zhang talking on #blogdown #rmarkdown #hugo at @AnnArborRUsers #rstats @AnnArborSPARK https://t.co/6WYB7EcLDE

L. Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 21): I didn’t you had a #blogdown website @PeteHaitch! https://t.co/8cnm0aE8sY I saw it at @rweekly_org I’m going to steal how you are using https://t.co/sWrXUuht4G ^^

Peter Higgins (@ibddoctor; 10): #blogdown night at A2RUG in Ann Arbor Michigan with Xiaosong Zhang @xieyihui https://t.co/F9LY53lDgt

Rodrigo Pacheco (@Pachecovv; 10): La misión de hoy fue entender blogdown para construir páginas web desde R. El paquete es fantástico. Combinarlo con GitHub actualiza páginas al instante y desde R 😱


fonzie (@OilGains; 11): @hrbrmstr @RMHoge @dataandme @juliasilge @drob Yes, I have read the tidytext bookdown. It’s impressive. But I took, I guess, the most punishing road: base #rstats. Knowing how the sauce is made is very important to me. But not all is lost, I use very often dplyr, a masterpiece of R abstraction into dataframes.


Mikko Haikonen (@protolog; 0/0): @RLangTip For markdown use package knitr and the function spin(). The benefit is that the R code is super clean and most civilized code editors support the proper formatting of that code. By default it produces .html output. Moving from .Rnw (and latex backend) to this helped!

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): お、knitrの空間だとtools:rstudioの環境ないのだな。


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 81): @sckottie Sure. https://t.co/o2zrGuzT7a