As promised with the blogdown conversion of my web site, a start on regular blogging again. This first one is joint with @_StuartLee based on plots provided in assignment submissions, for a first year business analytics course.



Dianne Cook (@visnut; 116): As promised with the blogdown conversion of my web site, a start on regular blogging again. This first one is joint with @_StuartLee based on plots provided in assignment submissions, for a first year business analytics course.

DAPPER Stats (@DapperStats; 70): @xieyihui your work is the most transformative stuff i have worked with in terms of like simplicity yet flexibility and i cannot say thank you enough for blogdown.

Troy James Palanca (@tjpalanca; 40): Blog is now on hugo/blogdown/netlify! Much more streamlined workflow compared the jekyll hodgepodge I’d cobbled together a few years ago. #rstats

Dianne Cook (@visnut; 20): @alexpghayes @_StuartLee Raw code and data here See the Rmd file, and the data directory

Kevin Purcell (@kevin_purcell; 0/1): Really interesting tool in #rstats for using shortcodes in #blogdown. Almost as interesting is the `dplyr::case_when()’ example.


Reilly Cooper (@reillycoopersci; 10): @abhilesh7 Not sure what languages you’re using but RMarkdown/knitr supports multiple languages in the same file and is super easy to document with

cho.jemmy (@chojemmy; 30): “智勇者本事大,做事可选择余地也就大,也就容易只挑自己喜欢的事情做,于是今儿个挑一件,明儿个挑一件,啥事也做不彻底。反倒是庸人没有选择,于是只能一根筋做到底,不管你自己喜欢不喜欢,倒把事情做完了。”——智勇多困于所溺 #博客 #feedly