Finally switched to bookdown-flavored markdown. Writing theorems and proofs as chunks integrates beautifully with @rstudio (chunk folding, navigation, etc). @xieyihui #rstats



Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 30): Upon further reflection, I think this might be an #rstats R Markdown bug (unless it’s by design for some reason?). In blogdown/bookdown, each Rmd gets its own new env, but with Rmd websites it seems that envs are bleeding into each other. Issue opened.

LIBD rstats club (@LIBDrstats; 22): Member’s activities today: fixed blog typos, started a blog post about learning #rstats, made the corner() function + docs + unit test and pushed to jaffelab, explored #blogdown, spent time learning R, debugged our blog and an encoding issue. Fun times ^^

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 0/0): @juliasilge Yeah, it’s totally weird, and I’ve been using blogdown so much that I’ve just assumed Rmd websites do the same thing.

Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 0/0): @andrewheiss That sounds… weird/bad. I have more experience with blogdown/bookdown, and definitely everything gets knit separately in separate environments there.

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 0/0): @rmkubinec And actually, your blog comment makes me think that this might be a deeper issue with R Markdown. In my blogdown projects each Rmd file does get its own clean environment. But with smaller R Markdown-only sites, the Rmd files are doing this sharing thing.


EP (@expersso; 323): Finally switched to bookdown-flavored markdown. Writing theorems and proofs as chunks integrates beautifully with @rstudio (chunk folding, navigation, etc). @xieyihui #rstats

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 70): @expersso @rstudio Very glad to hear that! This seems to be the first time I have seen theorem environments in bookdown actually used by someone!

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 30): Upon further reflection, I think this might be an #rstats R Markdown bug (unless it’s by design for some reason?). In blogdown/bookdown, each Rmd gets its own new env, but with Rmd websites it seems that envs are bleeding into each other. Issue opened.

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 20): It was amazingly easy to use the bookdown package in #rstats to make this. Thanks to @xieyihui for his work to make it!

Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 0/0): @andrewheiss That sounds… weird/bad. I have more experience with blogdown/bookdown, and definitely everything gets knit separately in separate environments there.