Hey #rstats - ever want to make >2 columns layout in your xaringan presentation? I hacked together a (⚠️very WIP ⚠️) macro for something I needed. (https://t.co/6cIackqGWe) Would love to know if/how others have approached the problem!



John Palowitch (@JohnPalowitch; 0/0): Blog post written looong ago refreshed for new website/new sub-blog written with #blogdown and hosted on #netlify. Who knows, maybe I’ll actually write regularly now…


Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 0/0): @williamslisaphd Well, I finally worked out how to insert twitter cards into a blogdown site, so I’m pretty proud of myself. Even if we never find any use for an R blog, I think I’m going to allow myself a tiny celebration 🎉🍾



Zaunei (@Zaunei; 0/0): Knitr und das ganze tut sogar in ShareLaTeX. Richtig gut <3


Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 163): Hey #rstats - ever want to make >2 columns layout in your xaringan presentation? I hacked together a (⚠️very WIP ⚠️) macro for something I needed. (https://t.co/6cIackqGWe) Would love to know if/how others have approached the problem!

{doctoRant}📊📚 (@_AntoineB; 0/0): @HIodowig @3_dw1n xaringan !