I wrote a little thing about blinging up your website made with the blogdown R package #rstats #datavishowcase https://t.co/a1QccYzBYM https://t.co/5y2kpu5Iwc



Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 9226): I wrote a little thing about blinging up your website made with the blogdown R package #rstats #datavishowcase https://t.co/a1QccYzBYM https://t.co/5y2kpu5Iwc

Thomas Mock (@thomas_mock; 40): @fossilosophy @kierisi @londonaesthetik, and @apreshill have so much good content for blogdown painpoints!

https://t.co/oBhb9yu4Pj <- was the source that finally made it click for me

Good luck on blogdown! https://t.co/WFLUtKoXbL

Roger D. Peng (@rdpeng; 30): @MilesMcBain One thing interesting about this question is that as more and more non-coding activity happens in RStudio (blogdown, pkgdown, bookdown), the need for a really nice fixed-width font only grows.

Brianna (@fossilosophy; 30): @kierisi I am cozied up with a cup of tea working on my blogdown site, thanks to you and @thomas_mock (though sometimes when fighting with errors I’m not sure whether to thank you 😂)

Sheila Saia (@sheilasaia; 30): Slowly but surely converting my #wordpress site to a #blogdown site. Keep thinking about what @xieyihui said at #rstudioconf2018 about using a simple template but it’s been an #awesome learning experience trying to get the academic hugo theme working! :)

Brianna (@fossilosophy; 20): @kierisi @thomas_mock You two are the best! So far I’ve muddled through (I literally just figured out how to path a write.csv call so that blogdown actually saved the file and didn’t hate me). I will let you guys know next time I get stuck!

Hosting is the next step sooo…

Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 10): @fossilosophy @thomas_mock Those error struggles are REAL. Holler if we can help in any way! I’ve literally broken Hugo + blogdown + Netlify in more ways than should be humanly possible 😂

José Manuel Cazorla Artiles (@jmcartiles; 0/2): Happy to announce the release of my personal website! 🙂🙂 #blogdown https://t.co/1wLBstLWom

Kelsey Moty (@kelseymoty; 0/0): Huh.. I never knew there were tools like #blogdown that made it so easy to build a website generated from R markdown files https://t.co/bYFSrGRxUr


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 60): @emilbp Yes – you may want to check the R help page ?bookdown::pdf_book (look for the global option “https://t.co/48721bOXJV.latex") before asking on Twitter :)

Roger D. Peng (@rdpeng; 30): @MilesMcBain One thing interesting about this question is that as more and more non-coding activity happens in RStudio (blogdown, pkgdown, bookdown), the need for a really nice fixed-width font only grows.


Alexander Chamessian (@achamess; 0/0): https://t.co/TJBIHll3cg #knitr #rstats #rmarkdown


Zack Barnett-Howell (@zackt_bh; 41): Putting the finishing touches on a presentation. There’s a new package from @grrrck that’s a fantastic complement to building slides with #xaringan. https://t.co/WVQbFVtzAn

Jacquie Tran (@jacquietran; 30): @lariebyrd @ma_salmon @CMastication Ohhh…wish I’d seen this a couple weeks ago when I decided to try xaringan for a presentation on data vis, which involved much css confusion & hard-to-read font colours despite my best efforts!

Joseph V. Casillas (@jvcasill; 20): @kearneymw I think #xaringan has taken over this role for beamer.

Frederik Aust (@FrederikAust; 10): This looks useful: A themer for xaringan slides! #RMarkdown https://t.co/xOxoTYKToy

Pierre Roudier (@pierreroudier; 10): @kearneymw I’m slowly trying to convert my workflow to xaringan