It never occurred to me until today that the reason I've been having trouble deciding where to file documents (is it a Paper or is it Code), is because literate programming / knitr / R Markdown has really blurred the dividing lines between these classifications.



Shawn Graham (@electricarchaeo; 0/0): Workflow to display zotero library via blogdown or Hugo?

Or is my best bet zotero - bibtex - citr - rmarkdown?

GoHugo 🔥TOP🔥BOT🔥 (@hugo_top_bot; 0/0): Goodreads icon (fa icon pack) does not show up when called within Hugo/Blogdown (Hugo-academic theme)

Anders Schmidt (@Anders_Schmidt; 0/0): Watch this great introduction to the very useful 🎁 #blogdown for your personal website by @xieyihui <-thank you!

jakejing (@YingqiJing; 0/0): Blogdown


Vicky Steeves ( (@VickySteeves; 30): I DID IT only by adding a CSS file:

index.Rmd: output: bookdown::gitbook: css: [style.css]

style.css: @import url(‘'); .book.font-family-1 {font-family: ‘Lato’, sans-serif;} .book .book-header, .book .book-summary {font-family: ‘Lato’, sans-serif;}

Nistara Randhawa (@nistara_r; 20): @PHuenermund Principles of Econometrics with R: Applied Econometrics with R: R for Business Analytics: The Elements of Statistical Learning: Econometrics in R:

Vicky Steeves ( (@VickySteeves; 10): #RStats #bookdown folks – how do I change the font of my book?


James Curran (@ProfJamesCurran; 32): It never occurred to me until today that the reason I’ve been having trouble deciding where to file documents (is it a Paper or is it Code), is because literate programming / knitr / R Markdown has really blurred the dividing lines between these classifications.

Martin Tomko (@dinomirMT; 10): @adamdsteer @RowanWinsemius @ProjectJupyter @anu_wald @CBR_IN Good stuff. COnverted my spatial info prog to Jupyter in the last two years. Fun. Still fail to do “executable” papers though, and the latex conversion is a pain. Knitr in R is way better at this. Mind sharing materials?

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): knitr::asis_output(out)でまとめて子Rmdを表示できることも分かったので、あとは書くだけじゃ。週末かな。平日が忙しい上に休日も忙しい…ほげほげ。。。

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 0/0): knitrのデバッグしてるといつもむずすぎてハゲそうになる。むっずいなあ。

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 0/0): cache engine for knitr by tmastny · Pull Request #167 · rstudio/reticulate あれ、これまだマージされてなかったのか。

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): knitr、まとまった情報がなくてissue読むのが手っ取り早くなってきた


Filho do yeTz (@yetzito; 10): @voor21 xaringan ativado 24 horas por dia

felipe ☮ (@Sr_Fvieira; 0/0): Daqui a pouco tem o xaringan pra pelada