@eric_bickel @jent103 I taught #xaringan for beginners yesterday with #xaringan (very meta), slides are here (feedback welcome!) https://t.co/nL1WlCh0nm https://t.co/P45zTXwXWa



SevillaR (@_SevillaR; 0/1): Ya tenemos nueva web! https://t.co/GhF6FRVZjw Hecha con #blogdown. Y @vsuarezlledo ya ha subido su post sobre cómo crear webs con blogdown https://t.co/BTYPQXobA6 #rstatsES

David Plans (@davidplans; 0/0): Anyone know of a good overall tutorial or best practice blogpost on reproducibility for an experimental study and its data analysis pipeline in R? Like github->blogdown->kaggle kernel etc.? #rstats

Leon Eyrich Jessen (@jessenleon; 0/0): So, I decided to take #hugo #blogdown for a spin. The content is still a bit sparse, but it really does seem to work quite well via #RMarkdown/#knitr and yes it is nerdy to build a website using #Rstats, but hey, c’est moi #AcademicTwitter 🤓 https://t.co/Ost3rTgOHS

Justin (@shakashakawizrd; 0/0): This weeks #blogdown blog post is up: feat. some #rshiny widgets helping to build the basic intuition of customer retention models in #rstats.

First time including Shiny and LaTeX so let me know if there are any issues 🤙🤙🧙‍♂️



Jose Manuel Vera (@verajosemanuel; 0/0): The tidyverse style guide https://t.co/2HQPOhrVHi #rstats #bookdown #tidyverse


Nicholas Tierney (@nj_tierney; 10): @coolbutuseless @hadleywickham @jhollist @hrbrmstr You can do this within knitr as well, I’ll try and dig https://t.co/Phu31GQ0Qg example

Leon Eyrich Jessen (@jessenleon; 0/0): So, I decided to take #hugo #blogdown for a spin. The content is still a bit sparse, but it really does seem to work quite well via #RMarkdown/#knitr and yes it is nerdy to build a website using #Rstats, but hey, c’est moi #AcademicTwitter 🤓 https://t.co/Ost3rTgOHS

Karl (@cheezkarl; 0/0): @_arixnne Ahh R Markdown and KnitR chu chu

Mikatas (@Mikatas7; 0/0): 会社PCでknitrできるようにした。 コードと計算結果の図表をセットで管理できるのは革命的だと思うのだが、この感動を共有する人が職場にはもういない😔


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 61): @eric_bickel @jent103 I taught #xaringan for beginners yesterday with #xaringan (very meta), slides are here (feedback welcome!) https://t.co/nL1WlCh0nm https://t.co/P45zTXwXWa

Jennifer Thompson (@jent103; 50): @apreshill @eric_bickel I’m working on my second deck now… a workshop on RMarkdown using RMarkdown/xaringan. SO META. https://t.co/58AUz7thNT

Eric (@eric_bickel; 10): @jent103 I had to present too early to move them over in time :/ but it’s a presentation I’ll be giving a lot so I’m moving them over to xaringan and hosting on RStudio Connect! This is the first time I’ve ever been excited to say I’m building a presentation!

Jennifer Thompson (@jent103; 0/0): @eric_bickel How’d your presentation go with xaringan?