Spent some time updating my CV and website, and finally decided to start blogging to share more info about my projects and what I’m learning #mistakeswillbemade #blogdown https://t.co/70kscizQ2X



Ron Yurko (@Stat_Ron; 242): Spent some time updating my CV and website, and finally decided to start blogging to share more info about my projects and what I’m learning #mistakeswillbemade #blogdown https://t.co/70kscizQ2X

Matt Dray (@mattdray; 10): ✏️ Yo, to mark your #blogdown post as draft put ‘draft: true’ in your YAML https://t.co/gM5fCCwaJp #rstats https://t.co/oUxQ5O45hf

lf_araujo (@lf_ar; 0/0): @lukesfiat @YouTube This is great Luke. There is also the more bloated R blogdown for those that don’t mind a bit of R.

Ross Gayler (@ross_gayler; 0/0): I have a new blogdown-based personal website (https://t.co/c3mPD1rXt4) and a blog post describing how I built it (https://t.co/xMSLZ8ixBz). Thanks to @dataandme, @yihu, @georgecushen, and #RStudio #blogdown #hugoacademic communities for the help.

Dale Maschette (@Dale_Masch; 0/0): @dataandme I’m also cursed with having to read books I start, I date a book-not-finisher and she upsets my soul. Also you should read the book and then write a blog on using blogdown and github because from my experience so far it is worthy of fight scene style writing


Matt Dray (@mattdray; 10): ✏️ Yo, to mark your #blogdown post as draft put ‘draft: true’ in your YAML https://t.co/gM5fCCwaJp #rstats https://t.co/oUxQ5O45hf


Research Platform Services (@ResPlat; 0/0): Want to know more about Knitr and Sweave? A great event coming up thanks to @jpablofranco & @MeirianLT https://t.co/W1FxptyV4l #resplat #unimelb