A special thanks to @pkqstr for copy-editing and cleaning up a lot of the content in the "Getting Used to #rstats, RStudio, and R Markdown" bookdown book I wrote a few years back. You can view the updated version at https://t.co/wX7liWvrIJ.



James E. Pustejovsky (@jepusto; 160): New website! https://t.co/58CtIkGqox I’m totally and willfully ignorant about front-end web stuff and so remain amazed that it’s possible to make this entirely in #rstats with #blogdown and some fiddling around. Thanks @xieyihui!!!!

Victor Ordu (@BroVic; 32): I had undertaken to document my R learning experience but doing so with Wordpress has been a very painful experience.

Package ‘blogdown’ to the rescue! 👍@xieyihui #rstats

Christopher Prener (@chrisprener; 30): just finished a huge update to my website, including upgrade to latest version of the Academic theme for Hugo. massive thanks to @xieyihui and @georgecushen - #rstats + #blogdown + Academic = a beautiful, easy maintain website! check out the results - https://t.co/0AvHoOI7eK

Jonathan Regenstein (@jkregenstein; 10): @swiftsam I have a feeling this is gonna be good…just glanced at it and see only tags, but nowhere to find the 7 posts outside the tag structure…is this a #blogdown production? look forward to reading more…

Ilja (@fubits; 10): Combined with #blogdown & GitHub Pages, #markdown becomes even more interesting for academic/professional blogging with #RStats. #SciComm https://t.co/YtKr0HV5LR

JD Long (@CMastication; 0/0): @clipperhouse You hang out with such an R crowd, you had me fooled. Doing some blogdown is on my list of things to experiment with.

JD Long (@CMastication; 0/0): @clipperhouse Using Blogdown now?

Emily Kothe (@emilyandthelime; 0/0): @dsquintana I’m trying to follow your instructions for using blogdown, but blogdown::serve_site() does nothing. Annoyingly @lingtax got his working first try and we can’t see any differences. Manually opening index.html in my browser gives me content with no theme. Any thoughts? https://t.co/gIsymyfbHd


Chester Ismay (@old_man_chester; 186): A special thanks to @pkqstr for copy-editing and cleaning up a lot of the content in the “Getting Used to #rstats, RStudio, and R Markdown” bookdown book I wrote a few years back. You can view the updated version at https://t.co/wX7liWvrIJ.


Ewen Harrison (@ewenharrison; 64): Step by step guide to easily get regression results from R into Word with finalfit https://t.co/IcV66GFheQ #rstats

Daneel Olivaw (@d_olivaw; 11): Código para genera un ppt a partir de un documento de RMarkdown con #knitr. #Rstats #RstatsEs


Fausto Bustos (@FaustoBustos; 10): @patrickbradshaw Follow up! https://t.co/Skxhr38FiR

SDh (@Knowgenating; 10): Ok, R Markdown just #worksforme <3 #knitr #RStudio #instantlove

クロネル@まーさん (@chroneru_mineru; 0/0): オブジェクト作って表示するか、pngで保存してknitrで引っ張ってくるのがいいかな。

Beth Lahaie (@bethlah; 0/0): Beagle Sniffing out the latest News Finalfit, knitr and R Markdown for quick re… https://t.co/sJLE4nw9Vq, see more https://t.co/sa5OgR266h

Kazuki Yoshida (@kaz_yos; 0/0): TODO: investigate knitr::ktable for tableone -> html/LaTeX workflow.

Muntasir Masum (@Muntasir_M; 0/0): Finalfit, knitr and R Markdown for quick results https://t.co/VahNjqN1XV via @Rbloggers

Deepak Taneja (@DeepakTaneja86; 0/0): Finalfit, knitr and R Markdown for quick results https://t.co/o0dHqkZRFI

Nitish Shekhar (@nitzrulzx412; 0/0): Finalfit, knitr and R Markdown for quick results https://t.co/CJd3Dv3TyE


Brais Pombo (@Pombux27; 20): @patonr_ Chidoro Torrija xaringan